info Overview
Name - What is The Dead Man's Hand’s full name?

The Dead Man's Hand

Item Type - What type of item is The Dead Man's Hand?

Metal [Wearable]

Description - Describe The Dead Man's Hand.

A medal that looks like a Victorian's Cross medal, and it has been known to give the users who wear it, Immunity to fast-moving objects [Bullets, Spears, Rockets] and grants the user infinite stamina, same with 'deadly' accuracy. One of the side effects is: That if the user takes off the medal, they die in an instant, and if they were to be revived, they would have a random % chance of a handicap.

redeem Looks
Materials - What is The Dead Man's Hand made out of?

Brass or Bronze

Weight - How much does The Dead Man's Hand weigh?

27 G

date_range History
Year it was made - When was The Dead Man's Hand made?

February 5, 1856

Original Owners

Alexander Roberts Dunn

Where it was found

It was found in one of the overhead bins on the Midnight Bus, encased in a gift box.

Who is the current wearer?

Either Elizabeth, or Charles.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does The Dead Man's Hand possess?

it has been known to give the users who wear it, Immunity to fast-moving objects [Bullets, Spears, Rockets] and grants the user infinite stamina, same with 'deadly' accuracy.

Side Effects: One of the side effects is: That if the user takes off the medal, they die in an instant, and if they were to be revived, they would have a random % chance of a handicap. [Or can't be revived at all]

edit Notes

yes it sticks to skin, why do you ask?


This item was created by Airisnotmarried on

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