info Overview
Name - What is Lizard's Enchant’s full name?

Lizard's Enchant

Item Type - What type of item is Lizard's Enchant?


Description - Describe Lizard's Enchant.

The treatment to Magic-cough. These plants only grow in fertile dirt near Bloodclan, The Kin, The Sisters, the Tribe of Rushing Water, and Warriorclan's territories.

Lizards raise the plant and ripen it, acting like a crop for the lizards. This is how Lizard's Enchant got it's name.

When used, the patient will be cured, but will still have the chance to get Magic-cough again.

Due to this plant's aura, all kits born in the clans or groups that these plants habit will have an immunity to Magic-cough, this also alters the trait for the ability for their kits to inherit this immunity, though it only has a 50 percent chance of being inherited.

redeem Looks
date_range History
Year it was made - When was Lizard's Enchant made?

First specimens of the plant's birth are unknown.

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Lizard's Enchant possess?

Ability to treat Magic-cough.

edit Notes
folder_open Uses
Uses for clan animals

Used as a healing herb, can also be used as accessories or for nests.

Uses for twolegs

Used as crop and food, making twolegs and domestic animals naturally immune to Magic-cough.


This item was created by Vanessa on

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