info Overview
Name - What is Cat Ring’s full name?

Cat Ring

Item Type - What type of item is Cat Ring?

Enchanted Ring

Description - Describe Cat Ring.

A silver-and-onyx cat ring belonging to Morgan Devereaux. It is a sister ring to one worn by other Nightfall executives, enchanted to serve as a final defense should the wearer ever be attacked.

It is worn on the right ring finger, and the ward is only able to be used when the ring is on a finger.

Morgan wears it as part of her everyday attire, but removing it can be used as a show of faith that she doesn't believe she will be harmed - or it can be put on someone else's finger to protect them instead.

redeem Looks
General Appearance

The ring is designed in the art nouveau shape of a cat's face - it is sterling silver with black onyx stones for the eyes, whiskers, and other detailing.

Materials - What is Cat Ring made out of?

Sterling silver and onyx

date_range History
flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Cat Ring possess?

The ring is enchanted by powerful Mages to be a defensive ward that draws on the user's energy to block an otherwise deadly attack from a supernat or Human against the wearer's person, in any form that attack might take.

The ward is powerful enough to stop any incoming attack, regardless of the strength or power of the attack. The wearer can't be hurt, killed, or otherwise harmed by the attack if blocked by the ward.

The ward is passive and will activate whenever the wearer is in danger - even if the wearer does not know when they are in danger, such as from assassination attempts or poisoning. The enchantment is powerful enough to be able to sense and make that determination without needing to be consciously or deliberately activated by the wearer. This can make the ring a way to both protect from immediate danger and alert to any surprises.

However, the ward draws on the wearer's natural magic, strength, and energy with every use of the defensive magic. For Humans with no natural magic of their own, repeated successive uses of the ward will sap their strength and energy and can kill them before they can remove the ring and break the ward. It is less dangerous for supernats wearing the ring, but can leave them more weak and more vulnerable than when they started.

As a result of these things, the ring will only ward against five successive attacks. After the fifth use, the ward will go into cooldown for twelve hours to stop the ward from killing the wearer.

The ward on the ring can only be used if the ring is on a finger.

The ward is also only designed for physical attacks - while it can be activated for psychological attacks (particularly if caused by an attack on the wearer) it has only limited success in both detection and protection.

edit Notes
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