info Overview
Name - What is Cat-And-Moon Bracelet’s full name?

Cat-And-Moon Bracelet

Item Type - What type of item is Cat-And-Moon Bracelet?

Enchanted Bracelet

Description - Describe Cat-And-Moon Bracelet.

A silver cat-and-moon bracelet belonging to Morgan Devereaux. It is a sister bracelet to the others worn by Nightfall executives, enchanted by Mages to reveal the presence of supernatural species to the wearer.

The bracelet is always worn on the left wrist, and Morgan rarely takes it off - only for showering and sleep.

redeem Looks
General Appearance

The bracelet is a simple, minimalist design made of pure silver, feature the outline of a cat perched in the middle of a crescent moon.

Materials - What is Cat-And-Moon Bracelet made out of?

Pure silver

date_range History
Year it was made - When was Cat-And-Moon Bracelet made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Cat-And-Moon Bracelet possess?

The bracelet is enchanted by powerful Mages to be a supernatural species detector for the wearer - designed specifically for Humans who have no ability to tell species apart otherwise.

The bracelet will turn hot against the wearer's skin whenever a supernatural creature is within ten yards of the wearer, alerting them to their presence. A secondary effect is that the bracelet will glow a faint twinkling color and alert the wearer to the specific species being alerted to.

If there are multiple supernatural creatures within the ten yard range, the enchantment is strong enough that the wearer is able to tell the species of each individual by focusing their attention on that individual. This does require the individual to be within line of sight to focus on. Without the line of sight, the wearer might get flashes for the multiple species but would not be able to tell who was what.

To unaware Humans, the glow appears only to be the bracelet catching the light.

Note that this magic does NOT work to identify Unicorns (per their passive ability) unless the Unicorn has revealed themselves to the wearer.

This spell is considered 'passive', meaning it is no more detectable to other supernats than the creature's own ability to tell the difference between magic or scent signatures to figure out the species of another individual, and should be treated no different. This does mean that the bracelet can be tricked by other magicks the same way magic and scent signatures can be masked.

edit Notes
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