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Item Type - What type of item is Terminology?


Description - Describe Terminology.

A online dictionary to inform readers what terminology is used in this Campaign.

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[Blank] Dynasty = A large group of cats

Chief Warrior = Main Authority figure

Subordinate Warrior = Second in Charge

Chief Shaman = Medic of the Dynasty, considered very important

Subordinate Shaman = Apprentice of the Chief Shaman

Monarchs = Cats who take care of kits, their own or not

Crowfood = Rotting prey, can also be used as an insult.

Fresh-Kill = Prey that has been recently killed for eating.

Kittypet = Domesticated cats.

Loners = Stray cats.

Silverpelt = Suspected to be the Milky Way.

Newleaf = Spring.

Greenleaf = Summer.

Leaf-fall = Autumn.

Leaf-bare = Winter.

Moon = 1 month.

Moonhigh = Normally around midnight.

Moonrise = The time where the moon rises.

Sunhigh = Normally around noon.

Sunrise = One day.

Heartbeat = One second.

Sundown = Dusk.

Sunup = Dawn.

Fox-length = Approximately a yard.

Kittenstep = Approximately an inch.

Tail-length = Approximately a foot.

Rabbit-length = Approximately a foot and a half.

Pawstep = Approximately 6 inches.

Tree-Length = Approximately 40 - 50 feet.

As easy as swallowing a minnow = Cat version of 'Piece of Cake'

As much use as a dead fox = Insult meaning something is useless.

Bees in your brain/Bee-brain = Insult normally used against confused cats or cats not making sense

Cleanpaw = Insult normally used against cats who stick close to the rules

(You're) crazier than a fox in a fit = Insult normally used against cats who are acting crazy

Doesn't matter a whisker = Cat version of 'I don't care'

Dormouse = Insult normally used against cats who sleep a lot.

Drypaw = Insult normally used against cats who don't like getting wet, normally used in the Dew Dynasty.

Like the Lion/Tiger Dynasty = Compliment referring to a cat doing something extremely fiercely or well.

Featherbrain = Insult normally used in the Oak Dynasty, cat version of calling someone stupid.

Fishface/Fishfur/Fishbreath = Insult normally used against cats who live in the Dew Dynasty.

Flea-brain = Insult which can be friendly or not, depends on tone.

Fox-hearted = Insult which are normally used against cold, evil or cruel cats.

Furball = Insult which can be friendly or not, depends on tone.

Great Celestial Dynasty = Cat version of 'Oh my god'

When hedgehogs will fly = Cat version of 'When pigs fly'

How in Silverpelt? = Cat version of 'How in the world?'

I'd have shredded you into mousedust/mousemeat = Death threat

Its as dark as a fox's heart in here = Used to describe darkness.


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