The Moon Wizards
Wizards who work for the Sovereign
Under The Sovereign Galen the Moon Wizards were a group of individuals with advanced arcane powers. They were often picked from members of The Binder's Archive that were thrown out for one reason or another, and being part of the Moon Wizards meant access to information and the freedom to do whatever they wanted with it as long as it served the Sovereign Galen's interests.
When Zaela became Sovereign, however, they were forced to change. While she didn't mind having a force of personal magical individuals to help her out she did put an end to their unethical practices. Which was most of the reason pretty much all the wizards had agreed to serve in the first place, so they tried to leave. Knowing that they would simply find a place to start over and continue their practices in secret with no oversight, however, Zaela had them imprisoned instead.
She restarted the Moon Wizards on a volunteer basis, opening the doors to any who would want to study and serve her in a magical capacity. This changed the group forever, and for the better.
This group was created by Sigilmancy on
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