info Overview
Name - What is the name of cink'neitoqmii samaw?

cink'neitoqmii samaw

Description - How would you describe the cink'neitoqmii samaw group?

Clan des plateaux blancs (enneigés)

Other names - What other names is cink'neitoqmii samaw known by?

Les nommades des neiges.

list Members
location_on Locations
business Purpose
Traditions - What traditions does cink'neitoqmii samaw partake in?

Ils sont l'un des rares clans complètement nomades. Ils se déplacent en suivant les troupeaux de rennes.

Risks - What risks are on the line for cink'neitoqmii samaw?

Étant nomadique, ils sont plus exposé au éléments.

thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
cink'neitoqmii samaw appears in the following documents
Group chevron_right Sistergroups link linked cink'neitoqmii samaw

Group chevron_right Allies link linked cink'neitoqmii samaw

Character chevron_right Education link mentioned cink'neitoqmii samaw

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned cink'neitoqmii samaw

Location chevron_right Clans link linked cink'neitoqmii samaw

Technology chevron_right Groups link linked cink'neitoqmii samaw

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