info Overview
Name - What is the name of Renegades?


Description - How would you describe the Renegades group?

A superhero team consisting of six total strangers put together for the sole purpose of fighting corruption and injustice.

Other names - What other names is Renegades known by?

The Renegades

call_split Hierarchy
Organization structure

All decisions are made by vote and majority rule.

location_on Locations
business Purpose
Motivations - What motivates Renegades?

To protect freedom and fight against corruption,injustice and tyranny.

Goals - What is the primary goal of Renegades?

  • To stop evil-doing

  • To protect truth, justice and the American way.

Obstacles - What obstacles stand in the way of Renegades?

Different viewpoints on how issues should be addressed

Risks - What risks are on the line for Renegades?


Traditions - What traditions does Renegades partake in?

-Each year on New Independence day, an official is elected to be representative from each state on the Neo Legislature and Neo Senate. They talk amongst themselves to propose legislation to the High Security Council who will have their own vote to determine what passes as laws.
-In conjunction, every 5 years is held among the six districts to determine HSC members to represent them much like presidential elections of old.

thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
edit Notes
Government chevron_right Groups link linked Renegades

This group was created by Ryan McHugh on

See more from Ryan McHugh
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