info Overview
Name - What is the name of Carrion Crows?

Carrion Crows

Description - How would you describe the Carrion Crows group?

The Enforcers of Algiers

Other names - What other names is Carrion Crows known by?


call_split Hierarchy

The By-Laws of the Carrion Crows are pretty straight forward, and were put in place in order to keep the group firmly on the right side of its founders moral line.

-Leadership is to be Respected: Any titled member is to be deferred to whenever possible or relevant, no questions asked.
-Leadership is Passed via a Gang Vote: Any title bestowed must be voted on before it becomes official.
-The Neighborhood Needs Us: Civilians do not get mixed up in the going-ons of our affairs. They come to us with problems, they come to us for favors, they come to us first. We need to keep their trust.
-Carrion Crows Don't Kill Each Other: Instant expulsion and likely death is the punishment for killing another Carrion Crow.


The Carrion Crows work independently and always have, refusing to sign up to work with any larger crews on a semi-permanent basis.


No gang can control it's area without eyes and ears around the neighborhood. Affectionately referred to as Magpies, these are usually neighborhood kids who run quick errands or keep an eye on things for a few creds. Magpies are rewarded for their work, but kept strictly out of any combat or conflicts by the By-Laws of the gang. Unfortunately the Magpies are not organized into any sort of structure and don't quite count as their own operation.



Organization Structure

Built in a classic gang-hierarchy, the Crows are led by their Leader and his Lieutenants with the occasional gang vote on subjects big enough to affect the entirety of the Crows.

list Members

People must serve as potential members for one year and a day before being considered for a membership vote. Once the vote is a majority in the recruit's favor, a task is placed before them and once successful in said task they are given their first feather (Either a patch or tattoo, their choice) and a pistol. From that point on, they are Carrion Crows until they die or are voted to be let out cleanly.

description History

The Carrion Crows started as a group of neighbors who were unfortunate enough to live in a highly disputed area of Algiers, New Orleans [Finished]. With near constant violence in the streets where they lived, they became determined to push the other gangs out through whatever means necessary. Outgunned and out-manned, they did what any good scavenger would. They showed up after the gang fighting but before the police to scavenge guns, ammo, and armor vests. Their bravery brought interest from other neighborhood kids until a group of them came together.

Thirteen people strong, the next gang fight that occurred found both sides being flanked by these kids wearing feathers as identifiers and ending the conflict quickly. Survivors were told the area was off limits and thus the legend of the Carrion Crows were born. The gang who used only borrowed equipment and still managed to defeat people bigger and better than them to create a safe space for their community. And they were ready to defend it to the death.

Since then,the Carrion Crows have mainly targeted other gangs, criminal syndicates, and petty thugs as a means to an end. They keep the neighborhood safe-ish and profit off of the misfortune of other enterprises. People in their area can walk with the confidence that they will never be assaulted or mugged by anyone wearing a feather and criminals know that openly showing affiliations in Carrion Crow territory is a quick way to a very unpleasant conversation with who do.


Keith O'Delle (Deceased)
Henry DuValle (Deceased)
Jim "Opossum" Fendergen (Deceased)
Katherine "The Beak" Pryce (Deceased)

business Purpose
Traditions - What traditions does Carrion Crows partake in?

The biggest tradition in the Carrion Crows is earning feathers. Your first one comes on initiation night, but each feather earned after that is an arduous affair. Feathers are earned by either:
-Being arrested doing the gang a favor
-Being wounded doing the gang a favor
-Killing an ex-Carrion Crow
-Being Awarded one by the current President

The more feathers a person has, the more respect many members give them and the quicker they are considered for Leadership positions.

Motivations - What motivates Carrion Crows?

The Carrion Crows started quite altruistically but over time all men find greed. While they are still happy with their reputation as the "Good guy gang" members still have ideas of making it bigger than simple gang life. People join the Carrion Crows as a way to work their way into bigger criminal outfits or shadowrun teams. The gang themself works to put money in the pockets of members, protect their community, and ensure the survival of their practices.

Goals - What is the primary goal of Carrion Crows?

Controlling Algiers would make the Carrion Crows a player in the criminal world. No longer a gang, but a controlled syndicate in charge of a piece of New Orleans. While they may have eyes on this prize, organizing such an effort without betraying their ideals has been difficult. Slowly they've grown, but not nearly at the speed needed to achieve their goals with the current round of leadership.

Risks - What risks are on the line for Carrion Crows?

Cops, rival gangs, criminal syndicates; there is no shortage of enemies for a low tier gang to look upon. Violence is a way of life and the world is happy to supply it to those who seek it out, and few Crows live to an old age of retirement like Vic Carver

Identifying Marks

Other than wearing their feathers, literally or as patches or tattoos, the biggest identifier of a Carrion Crow is their emblem. A crow sitting atop a skull, it has been with them since the day they made their statement to all of Algiers, New Orleans [Finished] and can usually be found on their clothing somewhere. Most common are hoodies with it emblazoned on the back or chest.

location_on Locations

Vic's Chicken and Waffles is the unofficial hangout of the Carrion Crows. Vic Carver
would never admit it, but he still keeps close ties with his former brothers and allows them use of his establishment to remain a part of the community.


Only in Algiers, New Orleans [Finished] can you find Carrion Crows

Neighborhood Presence

Members can usually be found on the north side of Algiers, New Orleans [Finished], wandering streets in small patrols to keep things civil. Other times they can be found in "Raiding Parties" and hitting other turfs in order to make a few quick creds.

thumbs_up_down Politics

La Vie en Rose has long bought the scraps of other gangs that Crows bring in. Some outsiders would consider the two groups friends, but the arrangement is fragile and strictly business.


The Bingo Boyz are the main problem for the Carrion Crows, since they directly attribute their founding members as being the remnants of the original massacre that brought the Carrion Crows to life.

shopping_cart Inventory
Services Available

Quick to take up favors for cash, they care more about their independence than offering their resources to outsiders. Their raids against other gangs usually do enough to line their pockets and ensure their survival, but friends can always count on them doing whatever is necessary for a quality price.

Goods Available

Whatever they've scavenged from conflicts or raids this week, usually low grade firearms, armor and drugs.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This group was created by Modestly Redacted on

See more from Modestly Redacted
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