info Overview
Name - What's the name of The Shadow Royal Line?

The Shadow Royal Line

Description - How would you describe The Shadow Royal Line?

A family of shadows that all have a special ability: being able to control ones weaker than themselves. (Also royal shadows are goopy shadows like Bendy or Nightmare!Sans while normal shadowlings are more fire-like)

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is The Shadow Royal Line?


Power Structure - How is The Shadow Royal Line's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

The oldest shadow in the family is the king unless the oldest retires

Power Source - Where does The Shadow Royal Line's source of power come from?

Any royal shadows can control any shadow that disagrees with them, resulting in almost no disagreements.

cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does The Shadow Royal Line hold?

I don't know what any of these mean

Socioeconomical - What socioeconomical ideologies does The Shadow Royal Line hold?

I don't know what any of these mean

Geocultural - What geocultural ideologies does The Shadow Royal Line hold?

I don't know what any of these mean

Laws - What are the laws of The Shadow Royal Line?

The laws are often changed a lot based on the current king, the only thing that stays the same is that all shadows must obey the royal family.

Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does The Shadow Royal Line hold?

Only Shadowlings are allowed in The Shadow Dimension, any intruders are either killed or turned into shadows.

gavel Process
Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in The Shadow Royal Line?

The oldest Shadowling in the royal family is the king/queen. Commonly king/queens are challenged by their siblings or offspring and killed.

Criminal System - What is The Shadow Royal Line's criminal system like?

Criminals are usually killed before they do anything due to the royal family's ability to read minds of other shadows.

visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of The Shadow Royal Line? What are their approval ratings?

Many Shadowlings do not like the absolute rule that the royal family has but the ones who try to do anything are killed

group Members
Military - What does The Shadow Royal Line's military look like?

A large group of highly trained Shadowlings are the army, although in serious wars and battles the current king may control normal Shadowlings to attack.

Space Program - Does The Shadow Royal Line have a space program? What is it like?

There isn't really a space in The Shadow Dimension

date_range History
Founding Story - How was The Shadow Royal Line created? What is its founding story?

The Shadowling royal line has been around as long as the Shadowlings themselves.

Flag Design Story - How was The Shadow Royal Line's flag designed?

They do not have a flag.

Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has The Shadow Royal Line been involved in?

The Shadow Wars 1, 2, and 3

shopping_cart Assets
edit Notes
The Shadow Royal Line is included in the following collections
Dystopian Rule by @andrew
The worst of the worst

This government was created by Blazemico on

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