info Overview
Name - What's the name of Behind The Curtain?

Behind The Curtain

Description - How would you describe Behind The Curtain?

Life is a stage, and every stage needs a crew to function. This reality's particular tech crew is...poorly run, to say the least. Why else would you find tears in reality on the playground, or tesseracts in the grocery store?

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is Behind The Curtain?


Power Structure - How is Behind The Curtain's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

The youngest of reality's tech crew, the Apprentices, answer to a Rigger. Every Rigger answers to a Manager, and every Manager to the head honcho: The Technical Director

Power Source - Where does Behind The Curtain's source of power come from?

The Technical Director runs reality as they choose. Every choice is verified by them, every decision overseen, and every mistake counted. The strings of the universe are theirs to control and weave like a mighty tapestry.

Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does Behind The Curtain have in place?

While the Technical Director has a might of their own, it takes the whole team to keep things running. Tick off a Manager? Congrats, Madagascar has sunk into the ocean. Mistreat a Rigger? The bubonic plague resurfaces in Europe. Even the Technical Director knows to fear the wrath of an agitated populous.

Jobs - What jobs does Behind The Curtain provide? What jobs are necessary to run it?

Apprentice: Oftentimes jump between jobs to see what works best for them, and some will choose to be proficient in multiple fields. They work under Riggers or Managers to learn the complexities of their field(s). This can be working as a "stagehand" (moving mountains, causing volcanos to explode, etc.), special effects (fireworks, northern lights, etc.), and other technical jobs.
Riggers: Riggers have usually settled into one or two different jobs. They begin to work with larger projects (such as pandemics, wars, etc.) alongside older Apprentices and some Managers.
Managers: Manage Riggers and Apprentices and continue working with both large and small projects, oftentimes in effects or writing (particularly for wars, religions, etc.).
Technical Director: Manages everybody else, gets the final say on details for projects, approves and vetoes projects or ideas, etc.

cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does Behind The Curtain hold?

Politics are deeply intermingled with regular life--they have to be, since those politics regulate their jobs (and often lives).

Socioeconomical - What socioeconomical ideologies does Behind The Curtain hold?

N/A (they don't have an economy)

Geocultural - What geocultural ideologies does Behind The Curtain hold?

Everyone comes from various backgrounds from various cultures from various planes of existence. Uniform culture? Not in this crew.

Laws - What are the laws of Behind The Curtain?

This reality's stage crew is large, so next to nothing is off limits. The strongest and smartest are the ones that live to keep their jobs. The only concrete rule is that holidays must be respected. In a world of chaos, one must have at least one thing to keep themselves sane.

Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does Behind The Curtain hold?

Anything can become an Apprentice if they're strong enough, and anything can be kicked out or leave if they find themselves outmatched.

Privacy Ideologies - What does Behind The Curtain think about privacy?

The Technical Director has jurisdiction over the sects' jobs, not themselves. Many higher ups could care less about the younger's personal lives--they'll likely be dead in an hour anyways.

gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of Behind The Curtain?

Whoever steps up, gets the position. If you prove your worth, then you are welcomed.

Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in Behind The Curtain?

The Technical Director remains until they die or leave. Same goes for every other position.

Criminal System - What is Behind The Curtain's criminal system like?

In a system that literally drives plagues, serial killers, and wars, next to nothing is considered criminal--even murder. The only concrete rule amongst themselves is to respect holidays as a way of keeping those that work behind the curtain mildly sane. Those that cross that rule often lose their life.

visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of Behind The Curtain? What are their approval ratings?

Factions are common among sects. Many group together in an attempt to create order and survive. These factions are often familial in nature, and deeply secretive. Some factions get along with each other better than others, just as some Managers, Riggers, and the Technical Director get along with some better than others. There is no approval rating when the person you approve of could be dead the next day.

International Relations - What do international governments think about Behind The Curtain? How are their relations?

The tech crew tries to keep realities from crossing out of the interest of keeping their own reality intact, but will often work alongside the rest of the multiverse in order to better their own function...when they can get along, at least.

Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by Behind The Curtain?

The tech crew is harsh. If you aren't strong enough, smart enough, or clever enough, you can lose your job or die. When nothing is off limits and the resident government could care less about you, everything is a risk. Everyone has the capability to do terrible things, and everybody has the capability to do good things.

group Members
Military - What does Behind The Curtain's military look like?


Navy - What does Behind The Curtain's navy look like?


Airforce - What does Behind The Curtain's airforce look like?


Space Program - Does Behind The Curtain have a space program? What is it like?


date_range History
Founding Story - How was Behind The Curtain created? What is its founding story?

Reality must be managed. The creatures of imagination, of entropy, of the material, and of the spiritual all play a part. Few ever choose to join the tech crew, and even fewer end up surviving it. Most don't know it exists.

Flag Design Story - How was Behind The Curtain's flag designed?


Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has Behind The Curtain been involved in?

Squabbles, wars, and conflict are common amongst the tech crew. All too many fights have broken out over projects, jobs, status, and cooperation.

Holidays - What holidays are relevant to Behind The Curtain's history? What holidays does it recognize?

Everyone celebrates different holidays depending on where they come from. There is an unspoken rule amongst the tech crew: respect others' holidays, regardless of what's being celebrated. Holidays are the beacon of unity amongst the chaos of the tech crew.

shopping_cart Assets
Vehicles - What vehicles does Behind The Curtain use or own?


edit Notes
Behind The Curtain is included in the following collections
Dystopian Rule by @andrew
The worst of the worst

This government was created by Jackfrostbitten on

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