The People of Fjadaki government
Ecological, Economic, and Religious Utopia in the Kingdom of Fjadaki.
Fjadaki is based on the continent Brejon Ewortaj (located on the continent Ra Fessandar), with the Kingdom of Waiwar to the West and South, the Kingdom of Krabisma to the East, and the Oslankob Ocean to the North. The ruler of Fjadaki (Bwatenworl LeowenaJawl) established the Council of Leaders, uniting the countries in Brejon Ewortaj. Fjadaki is generally well respected by other countries and viewed as a peaceful and deeply religious nation with thoughtful rulers.
Constitutional Monarchy as the executive, the Osande Reanwalk as the legislative, and the Ryeaneyal as the separate judiciary.
The Osande Reanwalk and Ryeaneyal both have representatives/judges elected by the people. The Monarch is also approved by the people and believed to have been given power by the Great Goddess Inskagefel.
Constitutional Monarchy, with a King/Queen/Ruler who has been approved of by the people. In Fjadaki, they believe that the King/Queen/Ruler has been given the power to make decisions, with the consent of the people, for the greater good of the people by the Great Goddess Inskagefel. If the ruler is acting outside the consent of the majority of the people, the legislative body has the duty to tell the ruler and have them step down. In the history of Fjadaki, this usually happens peacefully, but actually rarely happens at all.
There is also a legislative body called the Osande Reanwalk (Council of Souls in the Fjadaki language - Skjadenalf) (Osande - Souls, Reanewalk - Council). The Osande Reanewalk has around fifty-six members in the Osande Treankejal (Osande - Soul, Treankejal - Representatives), with one representative from each village and two from each town, and 43 members in the Osande Gewjunawo (Soul Guides). The Osande Treankejal are elected every two years while the Osande Gewjunawo are elected every five years. They gather every month to discuss issues in each village/town/city. Sometimes they make new laws, but they rarely need to.
The judiciary system (called Ryeaneyal - Judged Trials) (Ryeane - Councils/trials, eyal - Judged) is completely separate from the government, with no or minimal interference from government officials. They are, however, affected by legislation and laws, which are in place to ensure everyone is granted a fair trial and that punishments are not too harsh.
The ruler gets their power from the Great Goddess Inskagefel and the position is only sometimes hereditary.
The members of the Osande Reanwalk are elected by the people, with elections every two years for the Osande Treankejal and every five years for the Osande Gewjunawo.
In the Ryeaneyal, there are judges in each town/village, who meet together every six months. They are elected by the members of the Osande Reanwalk, but they and the monarch have the power to take them out of office.
The monarch is required to have a survey from the population every year to ensure they are doing their jobs correctly. The religious centers are also included in this survey, where a priest's opinion is taken very seriously. If a priest claims that Inskagefel does not approve of the ruler, they themselves will pray to the Great Goddess and ask for her opinion. If any negative great weather effect occurs, the priest will usually say that Inskagefel does not approve of the ruler.
The monarch has the power to veto legislation, but they had to provide adequate reasonings. From these reasons, the Osande Reanwalk, if they believe it necessary, must fix the legislation and present it to the Ryeaneyal to get their approval. The Ryeaneyal present it to the people in the towns, who also vote on the bill. If 70% of the towns/villages approve of the bill, they send it back to the monarch for their approval again. Then, the bill is usually put into place, but sometimes, if it is not, the monarch can be put into question by the Ryeaneyal. If the people have less than 70% approval for the bill, they can either further discuss it, get rid of the proposed bill, or have the Osande Reanwalk try to fix it further, starting the process again.
This provides a check and balance system for the monarch and the Osande Reanwalk.
If the monarch is taken out of power, however, the legislation elects a team of five trusted advisors from past monarchs, who will act as a monarch until the next one can be found.
For the judiciary, they are required to meet every six months to discuss any questions with the law or any problems. Any of those judges can send in a request for a judge to be inspected if there is any question of whether they are corrupt. The people can take the judge out of office at any time, with a survey taken, where there is a 70% agreement.
The government only provides jobs as advisors (trusted and experienced scholars), members of the Osande Reanwalk, or judges. They don't like to have too many jobs outside of maintaining those positions so as to make sure that no citizen is seen above any other, except for the monarch.
Liberalism. The market system is almost completely economically free, with minimal government influence in everyday life. The emphasis on freedom of expression, thought, speech, and property were heavily influenced by the Fjadaki religion and traditions.
Regarding income, poverty, and wealth, the government has support programs for any who are struggling through hard times. They are rarely needed however, since the very culture and customs of the people demand that every town help those in need. With such small towns, there are close-knit communities, with everyone helping anyone going through a hard time. It takes a village.
The government was thoughtfully structured so that there were checks and balances between all three branches and everything related back to the people's votes.
Everyone is able to receive an education. There are equal chances for jobs for everyone, regardless of race (elf, fairy, and human).
The unemployment rate is only about 4.5%, with almost complete business freedom (there are a few restrictions in the forms of licenses to own or work in a couple businesses).
Unions are allowed and encouraged, with some elite and amateur guilds in certain crafts. Basic necessities, such as water, food, ability to use heat, etc. are kept at low prices by the government.
There is no minimum wage (as that might cause the unemployment rate to rise), but the very culture of Fjadaki demands that no one be left uncared for by the community during times of struggle. There are always more jobs available in the community, with slightly less in the fields that require higher education. By hiring the necessary amount of employees, the employer realizes that they are benefitting from higher production and is therefore inclined to keep the same amount of employees. The employees receive a livable wage in all fields. If an employer pays their employee less than a livable wage, they are banished from the guild and therefore from practicing their trade.
All classes are taxed in an amount that would impact them all the same financially, with some only being taxed a significantly smaller amount of Heianwok than another would be based on their social status. This is the same for fines.
Fjadaki currency: 1 Heianwok approximately = 1.3 Ewortakijan usually, which is the currency of the continent of Brejon Ewortaj. Heianwok is used inside Fjadaki and Ewortakijan is used with the other countries in Brejon Ewertaj, of which Fjadaki is a part. Heianwok is silver in a certain leaf shape with a certain pattern so that no one can replicate it. Ewortakijan is gold coins.
Fjadaki is almost completely landlocked, with barely any access to the Oslankob Ocean. They are bordered with the Kingdom of Waiwar (west and south) and the Kingdom of Krabisma (east). The land has dense forests to the west, wide open fields and meadows mostly used for agricultural means in the center of the country, and rocky mountains from the west and south.
The people are very good at farming and raising livestock. The traditions of the country include coming together at least every four weeks in each town/village and throwing a festival to celebrate a deity, whom they believe represent the earth and forces of nature. The Great Goddess Inskagefel is the essence of the earth, providing livelihood to all that walk there. The language attempts to mimic sounds in nature, specifically the swooping sounds of bird that are mostly characterized by hard consonants that are followed by j's. There are a lot of sharp, harsher sounds as well in the language.
There is a very laissez-faire market system, with minimal government interference. There are no price control laws or any laws that favor some entrepreneurs over others. Most laws concern criminal activity. The punishments are not as severe as an eye for an eye, as there is not death penalty, even for murder. The punishments most often include community service and some time in prison. The prisons are purely meant for rehabilitation, not punishment. They are meant to create better members of society, not to cause an endless cycle of crime affecting the poor.
Laws are very well respected in Fjadaki, mostly because of their belief that the legislature embodies the souls of the people and that the monarch is chosen by the Great Goddess. Most follow the laws and there is a lot of empathy for those who feel as though resorting to crime is their only option.
Fjadaki is not closed off from Brejon Ewortaj, believing that they must build strong relations with all people on the continent. They offer asylum to all refugees and immigrants, but most do not become full citizens in Fjadaki. Almost all Fjadaki citizens are welcoming to immigrants.
All are allowed to practice their own religions and cultures, with the Fjadaki only being slightly hesitant due to their government and religion not being completely separate. The Fjadaki have established that their government shall stay in place even if more immigrants live in Fjadkai.
Private property is well protected, as is business and trade freedom. The government is fairly uninvolved in the market system, but there are some laws in place protecting private property from theft, vandalization, destruction, etc.
While it might seem that there would be little purpose in created an elaborately true and good electoral process, as most people are irrational about politics anyways and do not fully look at evidence, the Fjadaki electoral process is faily effective and simple.
The monarch is always questioned by religious leaders and must be approved of by the people. The Osande Reanewalk are voted for by the people, one vote per person. If a candidate has more than 60%, they receive the office. If no candidate has more than 60%, the one with the lowest percentage is taken out of the running and the people vote once more. This is also the same with the Ryeaneyal.
Term lengths for the Osande Reanewalk are as follows:
For members of the Osande Treankejal, they serve for two years, with each member only being able to serve three terms in their lifetime.
For members of the Osande Gewjunawo, they serve for five years, with each member only being able to serve two terms in their lifetime.
For the Ryeaneyal, judges serve for ten years, and can be reelected until they die.
This is not an eye for an eye criminal justice system. Punishments are fairly light as the culture believes those who commit crimes against the state are committing crimes against the gods and the Fjadaki are deeply religious.
If a less serious crime is committed, most people simply have to perform community service for an allotted amount of time and repay the person whom they have wronged.
If the crime injures or hurts another person, the resulting effect is a prison meant to rehabilitate, not punish. There, people receive mental health and physical checks and are able to receive help for any financial, etc. problems that may be occurring.
If a serious crime, such as murder or treason, is committed, the person is banished from Fjadaki. Given how Fjadaki is viewed on the continent, most other countries will not allow that person into their country because they respect Fjadaki's decisions.
The citizens of Fjadaki are proud of their government, believing it to be a true reflection of their culture and religion. Given that there are always going to be majorities and minorities, not everyone is always completely happy with the government's decisions. The people, however, have the ability to change who is in charge and enforce the morals and virtues they value most.
Fjadaki is not isolated from the rest of the continent. They have trade agreements with almost every country and their leader, Bwatenworl LeowenaJawl, created the Council of Leaders. They are willing to have open negotiations if there is ever a problem that could result in war. They have not gone to war in over a century.
Civilian life is fairly simple. People are generally farmers and merchants with a couple other jobs. There are some people who are more hot-headed about politics, but most trust the government and electoral process. The people are extremely religious and love their culture and traditions.
Fjadaki really only has an army and a small naval force because there is barely any land by the sea. Fjadaki has mandatory military service, with everyone being required to serve for three years, with additional time if desired.
The navy is very small, with only a couple ships and a few sailors. They are not the strongest in the military, but they are decently well-developed.
The world of Ra Fessendar is not developed enough to have created aircrafts or any other vehicle that moves in the air. Therefore, Fjadaki doesn't have any airforce.
Ra Fessandar isn't developed enough to have spacecrafts, so therefore, Fjadaki doesn't have any space program.
Before the People of Fjadaki government was created, Fjadaki was a collection of groups of people who all shared a common language and interacted from time to time. Eventually, as the Kingdom of Krabisma's ruler started to encroach upon Fjadaki land, the groups decided to band together. Fjadaki tradition states the the Great Goddess Inskagefel was the reason they survived that battle. The Kingdom of Fjadaki was born that day.
The government was not fully organized at first, with a few other versions before this one. The others had hereditary monarchs and fewer elections for legislation and judiciary. There were revolutions and uprisings, long discussions and essays, before the People of Fjadaki Government was created.
The Fjadaki flag is split horizontally into thirds, with the top color being light blue, the middle being black, and the bottom color being red. There is a white cross (with the intersection point being more on the left side).
The blue is meant to signify the richness of the land from the rivers, a major part of Fjadaki life. The black signifies the death that is always present in life, but not meant to be feared. The Fjadaki believe that all death, whether naturally, in battle, or at the hands of one's self, is honorable. The red of the flag is meant to signify that however peaceful the Fjadaki may be, the spirit of the people will remain dangerous and rebellious, that their origin came from war and they do not forget that. The white cross symbolizes their normally peaceful nature, even as death, danger, and their own livelihoods are hidden beneath however peaceful they may seem. They will always be willing to fight and die for the good of their people.
The flag was designed by the first ruler of Fjadaki, who believed that she received it in a vision from the Great Goddess Inskagefel. She believed the symbols and colors she saw revealed the true nature of the Fjadaki people and encouraged others to think the same.
For most of the time Fjadaki has existed, they have been peaceful, only being involved in a couple major wars. Those wars were mostly caused by other countries trying to invade the Fjadaki land. Even for a small country, Fjadaki can hold it's own, severely crippling any army that dared to try to invade Fjadaki. These wars were called the Attempted Invasions of Fjadaki and their opponents were mostly the Kingdom of Krabisma and the Kingdom of Waiwar.
The Fjadaki people celebrate many holidays and festivals (almost every three weeks!), but there are four major ones. The major events that take place in these festivals and holidays are many dances and songs, each specific to the holiday and festival, with minimal overlap. Here are the four major holidays:
This festival takes place in Fall. The name of this festival is not really said aloud, but at home in private. No one besides the Fjadaki knows the name and the name is considered sacred. The name is Iwehonueonc, with no easy translation into Ewortaj, but it roughly means the dedication of one's entire being, in life and death. This festival is celebrated in honor of the Great Goddess Inskagefel. There is dancing in the streets, with everyone wearing wreaths made out of any natural plant materials. They are meant to symbolize one's own closeness with nature and are unique to every person.
The second festival (Tresklandeflessae Kleitiungen, or Death's Greetings), in Winter, is in honor of what is known as the force (not god or goddess) of Death: Tresklandefless. Here, songs are sung and the dead are celebrated and urged to continue their journey in the realm of death, where they live however they desire, with those considered irredeemable being cast away into the realm of darkness. There is more dancing, more lively than in any other festival. There is a great feast made and all the best food is left as an offering to Tresklandefless in order to receive their good faith after death. The Fjadaki do not fear death and consider it honorable, celebrating those who have passed.
The third major holiday (Natreaor, or Nature's Day) , in Spring, is in honor of Nature. Here, there is no big group gatherings, with the children going off into the woods to sing and dance while the adults relishing a day of silence. songs are song quietly with dancing only taking place on one's own land. On this day, however, the land is not considered any one person's.
The fourth holiday, at the end of Summer and at the beginning of Fall, is rumored to be the day the Fjadaki all joined together. This holiday, known as Pweowofeaor, Remembrance Day. This is the second largest festival (after the first holiday mentioned). There are huge festivals around the country, everyone dancing and singing for several days. They gather all the best food and give thanks to their ancestors. The ruler, whomever it may be at that time, will usually visit almost every town and village, celebrating with the people.
And those are the four major holidays celebrated in Fjadaki. There are a large number of smaller ones, but these are the ones that are celebrated around the entire country.
Fjadaki mainly uses wagons and carts drawn by horses, donkeys, and mules.
Kingdom of Fjadaki --
Brejon Ewortaj --
Ra Fessandar --
Council of Leaders --
Inskagefel --
Kingdom of Krabisma --
Kingdom of Waiwar --
Oslankob Ocean --
Bwatenworl LeowenaJawl --
Osande Reanwalk --
Skjadenalf --
Ewortaj --
Osande Treankejal --
Osande Gewjunawo --
Ryeaneyal --
Advisor Faskow AnjorwonJawl --
Hadrian MeoniaeJawl --
King Saelask Divanwo --
Iwehonueonc -- Tresklandeflessae Kleitiungen --
Tresklandefless --
Natreaor --
Pweowofeaor --

Creating the perfect government