info Overview
Name - What's the name of Althaf High Government ?

Althaf High Government

Description - How would you describe Althaf High Government ?

The AHG is an oligarchy that stems from the UWV (the United Worlds of Veuamon). It consists of 50 members, and each leader is selected from a specialized academy by other members of the oligarchy. The AHG oversees all official matters, including unification, finances, trade, and transportation. Below the AHG is the court system, where all crime is processed. All the judges in the court system are elected by the people, unlike the overall government. The court system tiers are (depending on the planet/area) in order: local, state, country, planetary, galactic, and universal.

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is Althaf High Government ?


Power Structure - How is Althaf High Government 's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

The power structure within the AHG lies within the hands of those who have trained in politics. These people are then elected into the government by current AHG members. The citizens of Veuamon have a lack of control over who creates the laws at all. The government consists of the High Rulers, the Althaf Military, and the Althaf Judiciary Committee.
The High Rulers are the lawmakers and regulators and oversee almost all major decisions within the government. The Althaf Judiciary Committee oversees all court appointments and determines the proper punishments for the laws put in place by the High Rulers. The job of the Althaf Military is to be sure that these laws are followed on a large scale level.

Power Source - Where does Althaf High Government 's source of power come from?

The power comes from within the government itself.

Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does Althaf High Government have in place?

No checks and balances exist, as the AHG only has organizations that answer to the High Rulers.

Jobs - What jobs does Althaf High Government provide? What jobs are necessary to run it?

The AHG provides the positions of High Judge, High Ruler, and any position within the military.

cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does Althaf High Government hold?

On Discrimination:
On Environmental Conservation:
On Water Stability:
On Equal Opportunity:

Socioeconomical - What socioeconomical ideologies does Althaf High Government hold?

On Economic Stability:
On Health Care:
On Education:
On Income:

gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of Althaf High Government ?


visibility Populace
group Members
date_range History
Founding Story - How was Althaf High Government created? What is its founding story?

Originally, the leaders of each planet or system were elected to the government and there were 72 members after the unification of the universe.

shopping_cart Assets
edit Notes

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