info Overview
Name - What's the name of The Great Empire?

The Great Empire

Description - How would you describe The Great Empire?

Multispecies government of Antiquity

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is The Great Empire?


Power Structure - How is The Great Empire's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

The planets of the Great Empire were divided up by geography. These divisions, essentially countries, would represent the people who resided in them on an planetary scale. The planets all would elect a delegation to represent them in matters of state.

Power Source - Where does The Great Empire's source of power come from?

Economic control, military funding and supply

Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does The Great Empire have in place?


Jobs - What jobs does The Great Empire provide? What jobs are necessary to run it?


cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does The Great Empire hold?


Socioeconomical - What socioeconomical ideologies does The Great Empire hold?


Geocultural - What geocultural ideologies does The Great Empire hold?


Laws - What are the laws of The Great Empire?


Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does The Great Empire hold?


Privacy Ideologies - What does The Great Empire think about privacy?


gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of The Great Empire?


Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in The Great Empire?


Criminal System - What is The Great Empire's criminal system like?


visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of The Great Empire? What are their approval ratings?


International Relations - What do international governments think about The Great Empire? How are their relations?


Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by The Great Empire?


group Members
Military - What does The Great Empire's military look like?


Navy - What does The Great Empire's navy look like?


Airforce - What does The Great Empire's airforce look like?


Space Program - Does The Great Empire have a space program? What is it like?


date_range History
Founding Story - How was The Great Empire created? What is its founding story?


Flag Design Story - How was The Great Empire's flag designed?


Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has The Great Empire been involved in?


Holidays - What holidays are relevant to The Great Empire's history? What holidays does it recognize?


shopping_cart Assets
Vehicles - What vehicles does The Great Empire use or own?


edit Notes

The Great Empire was the first multiplanet government created by the extant Anfangi. While Anfang itself was still divided territorially, the individual nations combined resources to develop and sustain space exploration and colonization. As such, planets settled by The Great Empire at large were partitioned up to contributing member states.

Such cooperation sometimes led to disputes, which fell onto a central figure, the Chairman of the Empire, to resolve.

As time passed, the colonies began to compete with the production and demand of Anfang. This caused economic strain in the capital, and sowed seeds of discontent across the empire. Many communities began walking back from globalism and focused more on self reliance.

Meanwhile, the officials in government, including the office of the Chairman began to fall to elitism and nepotism. Such appointments caused the government to become apathetic and incompetent, causing widespread mismanagement of scarcifying resources. Technological development ground to a halt, and the Empire began degenerating. Entire countries and ethnic groups packed up in whatever starships they could muster and took flight, searching for new homes with enough resources for everyone. Races consolidated their populations on specific planets for resource security, even forcibly removing and relocating minority populations.

The exception to this trend would come from the frontier worlds. Many of them had no contact with the rest of the Empire save for the occasional supply ships. At least, until the ships stopped arriving. They continued with a higher technological status and better cross species cooperation than than most other worlds. Nevertheless, all planets soon lacked the capacity to build and maintain Starships, and fleets soon fell into disrepair and were scrapped for resources.

On most worlds, the true end of the Empire came when they could not manufacture or even maintain their infrastructure, which led to a strategic collapse of all mass industry.

Planet chevron_right Population link mentioned The Great Empire

Planet chevron_right First Inhabitants Story link mentioned The Great Empire

Planet chevron_right Governments link linked The Great Empire

Government chevron_right Founding Story link mentioned The Great Empire

Planet chevron_right Notes link mentioned The Great Empire

Building chevron_right Notes link mentioned The Great Empire

Planet chevron_right World History link mentioned The Great Empire

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