info Overview
Name - What's the name of Elden Council?

Elden Council

Description - How would you describe Elden Council?

Made up of the High Speaker and 8 noble families.

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is Elden Council?

Council with a single leader who has final say.

Power Structure - How is Elden Council's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

Heads of the 8 noble families rule day to day affairs of the elven society. The grand speaker has final say over all matters, but reserves most activities to the most important affairs of the nation.

Power Source - Where does Elden Council's source of power come from?

This is an ancient structure that has formed many ages ago.

(Not yet defined)

Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does Elden Council have in place?


Ultimately, this must come from the noble families, but the size of the "country" must be determined/considered to define this aspect.

cloud Ideologies
Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does Elden Council hold?

Immigration into the society is only allowed of elves, and rarely half elves. Merchants and dignitaries are allowed as guests of the council (a broad term), but non-elves are never considered citizens.

Privacy Ideologies - What does Elden Council think about privacy?

This society is highly secretive beyond their social levels. Magical and technological discoveries are never shared, and those taking parts in such matters rarely discuss these topics outside of their circles of activity.

gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of Elden Council?

Lines of succession, and in the extreme rare event of a family failure, appointment by the High Speaker.

Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in Elden Council?

Life or retirement due to old age.

Criminal System - What is Elden Council's criminal system like?

Good question - elves must have deviants and non-conformists... TBD

visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of Elden Council? What are their approval ratings?

The people, in general, implicitly trust the high speaker.

There is always conflict among higher powered citizens and the nobles, but when facing a common foe, they stand as one.

International Relations - What do international governments think about Elden Council? How are their relations?

Trade must exist to prosper. Groups of merchants within the society are only allowed to keep shops, but trade and travel heavily with the outside.

Guests are only allowed in designated areas, and any caught trespassing find harsh consequences.

Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by Elden Council?


group Members
date_range History
shopping_cart Assets
edit Notes

This government was created by Radioflyer on

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