info Overview
Name - What's the name of Enneagramatic?


Description - How would you describe Enneagramatic?

A government system that is taken from the enneagram personality test. Began as a republic and gradually evolved into what is now a dictatorship. But we'll get into the details later.

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is Enneagramatic?


Power Structure - How is Enneagramatic's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

There is one person who holds all power and makes all decisions called the Ultimate. They are in control over how their campaign is organized. All Ultimate's are required by an irreversible law to have a Vice-Ultimate in case of the sudden, un-predicted death of the Ultimate. But the Ultimate can decide what tasks the Vice-Ultimate has, if any. After the Vice-Ultimate, there are typically Trusted Advisers of the Ultimate, chosen by the Ultimate. There are rarely Ultimate's without advisers. Under the Trusted Advisers are Campaigners. These are, for lack of better words, the Ultimate's employees. We'll talk about them later.

Power Source - Where does Enneagramatic's source of power come from?

An Ultimate is never elected to power. Changes from one Ultimate to another can happen in very few ways. First, by an Ultimate dying and the Vice-Ultimate taking over. Second, an Ultimate resigning from power (very rare) and a short fight between politicians, army generals, etc. proceeds and the next Ultimate assumes power. Third, assassination/by force. Fourth, a revolution too strong for the Ultimate's army forces.

Jobs - What jobs does Enneagramatic provide? What jobs are necessary to run it?

An enneagramatic government makes it absolutely necessary to have taken the enneagram test (which is easy because everyone takes it after graduating high school, and high school education is required for any job). The applicant must have a copy of their test results available for the employer to view. If the applicant's type does not fit that career field, then they are automatically unqualified for the job. It's simple, easy, and works great because then everyone is working somewhere that their type enjoys--for the most part.

cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does Enneagramatic hold?

Countries with an enneagramatic government typically have a triangle shaped political ideology. The Ultimate is at the top obviously. His/her vice-ultimate and advisers fill the second slot and then the Campaigners fill the third. The fourth level is where the wealthy people with 'important' jobs are. The fifth level is where the 'in between' families and individuals fit in--not rich, but not poor. The sixth and last level is where the poor citizens are--but this does not include the homeless. If you're unemployed, homeless, and starving you aren't even considered a citizen of the country. You're an outlaw in a sense and you don't belong anywhere.

Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does Enneagramatic hold?

Immigrating to a country with this government is one of the hardest things EVER. They are so careful about who they let in because they don't want foreigners influencing their citizens. It's nearly impossible to visit the country for a vacation, imagine MOVING there. It's most likely not worth the effort--the months upon months of effort.

gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of Enneagramatic?


Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in Enneagramatic?

Varies. Some Ultimate's reign until their deaths, others are killed, and others resign. One can never be sure how long an Ultimate will hold the reigns of power.

visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of Enneagramatic? What are their approval ratings?

VERY controversial topic. There are so many different views and opinions people typically don't talk about it. It's also illegal and considered a form of treason if you talk badly about the Ultimate or anyone that is a part of his campaign.

International Relations - What do international governments think about Enneagramatic? How are their relations?

Depends on the country. Countries with similar dictatorships would look at countries using the enneagramatic government style with utmost pride. Republics and democracies look on with sorrow as they see what they think is a government falling apart. Monarchy countries probably could care less what's going on in countries with this government.

Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by Enneagramatic?

We'll discuss this according to each level of the 'social triangle' I mentioned before.
Obviously, life is going great if you're on the first or second levels. Having any place in the government system is very rewarding.
If you're on the third level, you're probably very well-off and you've got everything you need, with extra. You do have to work really hard to stay on this level, though. A simple sacrifice for a good life.
The fourth level isn't too bad; you've got all the basic necessities and maybe enough money for an occasional fun activity. Be careful though, one bad decision with your money is sure to lead to the fifth level.
The fifth level could be worse, but it could be way better. There's practically no way up: only if you work your a** off day and night for years. Even then, it's unlikely.
And, of course, you do NOT want to be homeless or unemployed. Since jobs are hard to find, unemployment can very easily lead to homelessness because of a lack of income. Reaching this means loss of citizenship and loss of the already limited rights and freedoms you had.

group Members
date_range History
Founding Story - How was Enneagramatic created? What is its founding story?

This government system was founded many, many years ago by a small group of politicians who were enthralled by the enneagram. They found ways to form a simple government system using the different enneagram types, wings, stresses, securities, etc. This system spread throughout several European countries making it's way towards the Americas when WWII started and almost all enneagramatic government controlled countries were taken over by Germany. Then, when WWII ended, those countries reverted to democracies because they wanted to be like the United States--'if they could defeat Hitler, then they must be doing something right!' they thought. Only one country stuck with the enneagramatic government system: the little man-made country of Euphorian. But, since the end of WWII, Euphorian has grown into a dictatorship, which is not what the founders intended. It was supposed to be a republic; everyone was equal and no type was better than the other.

Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has Enneagramatic been involved in?

Because it was developed after WWI, it's only experienced WWII.

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This government was created by Jerrod Hawkins on

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