info Overview
Name - What is the name of Austrivlevli?


Description - How would you describe Austrivlevli?

An extremely popular dish in Svartalfheim. As food is a cornerstone of their culture, it's no surprise one of their proudest accomplishments was this fine meal.

Type of food - What kind of food is Austrivlevli?


Other names - What other names is Austrivlevli also known by?

Austri's pride

kitchen Recipe
Ingredients - What ingredients are in Austrivlevli?

Pulled (or shredded) chicken
Rice (cauliflower rice is recommended)
Buffalo sauce
cream cheese

room_service Sales
Cost - How much does Austrivlevli cost?

Most restaurants in Svartalfheim sell Austrivlelvi for 2 fere (20 USD)

Sold by - Who sells Austrivlevli?

most dwarven restaurants sell Austrivlevli

Rarity - How rare is it to see Austrivlevli?

Extremely common

restaurant Eating
Meal - Which meal of the day is Austrivlevli usually served at?

Lunch or dinner

Serving - How is Austrivlevli served?

Typically in a medium-sized bowl

Utensils needed - What utensils are needed to eat Austrivlevli?


Texture - What is the texture of Austrivlevli?

Creamy, firm and chewy

Flavor - What are Austrivlevli's flavors?

Spicy chicken

cake Effects
history History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This food was created by Michael Palmer on

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