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Name - What is the name of Levitating Rose?

Levitating Rose

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Serves 4-6

Ingredients - What ingredients are in Levitating Rose?

17 fluid ounces lychee juice
17 fluid ounces of cold water
7 ounces raspberries for decoration
7 ounces lychees for decoration
1 teaspoon agar powder
⅓ ounces honey
⅛ teaspoon rosewater
A few roses


Pour 17 fluid ounces of cold water and the lychee juice into a pot.
Add the honey and rosewater and stir.
Then add the agar powder, whisking vigorously.
Let the mixture infuse for 5 minutes.
Cook over medium heat until the potion starts to boil.
Remove from heat.
Pour the potion into a stainless steel or glass bowl and add the whole roses or rose petals.
Refrigerate the cake overnight so it can set.
Decorate with fresh raspberries and lychees before serving.


This food was created by SapphireMoondancer on

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