info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?

Dar'ak Berries

Description - How would you describe Dar'ak Berries?

Small green berries

bubble_chart Classification
local_florist Appearance
Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Dar'ak Berries?

Green Dar'ak berries are the perfectly ripe ones, while red berries are too early and the grey ones are too ripe.

Size - How big does Dar'ak Berries grow?

About the size of blueberries, these berries grow on low bushes in bundles. The bushes have brambles to ward off people and animals.

Smell - What does Dar'ak Berries smell like?

Green and ripe berries have little to no smell. The red berries have a somewhat sharp acidic smell to them, which warn people not to eat them

Taste - What does Dar'ak Berries taste like?

Dar'ak have a tart flavor.

add_box Produce
Medicinal purposes - Does Dar'ak Berries have any medicinal use?

Dar'ak berries have a high anti oxide content and are a major part of the northern Vatish diet.

Material uses - How is Dar'ak Berries used in producing other materials?

Dar'ak berries when overly ripe produce a purple die used to dye cloth.

language ecosystem
Seasonality - What seasons or climates is Dar'ak Berries most often found in?

Dar'ak berries grow year round, but are most plentiful during the spring and summer.

edit Notes

This flora was created by Elowyz Jensen on

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