info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?


Description - How would you describe Sedalen?

Nut bundles hanging bu thick vines from trees

bubble_chart Classification


local_florist Appearance
Smell - What does Sedalen smell like?

An earthy smell

Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Sedalen?

Thick, dark green vines holding up a bundle of blue, teardrop shaped nuts

Size - How big does Sedalen grow?

`Bundles can be as big as a foot, but nuts are much smaller

Taste - What does Sedalen taste like?

The nuts are very smooth, with a slightly earthy, sweet taste

add_box Produce
Material uses - How is Sedalen used in producing other materials?

The vines holding the bundles up can be used as rope, the blue "rind" can is used to make blue

Nuts - What kinds of nuts does Sedalen produce?

Small, blue, teardrop shaped nuts with a sweet, earthy taste

language ecosystem
Reproduction - How does Sedalen reproduce and spread?


Seasonality - What seasons or climates is Sedalen most often found in?

Best in wetter seasons

history Changelog
edit Notes
Country chevron_right Flora link linked Sedalen

This flora was created by Kellsey on

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