info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?

Brugmansia Ciliata

Description - How would you describe Brugmansia Ciliata?

common, small plant and can be found in most dry regions.

bubble_chart Classification
local_florist Appearance
Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Brugmansia Ciliata?

It has tiny, barb shaped leaves, which are usually bright green. It also grows quite large flowers, which can be light silver, light blue, light bronze and dark grey.

add_box Produce
Material uses - How is Brugmansia Ciliata used in producing other materials?

These plants grow within short distances from each other, but it's hard, especially without experience, to control and maintain their growth.
They can be brewed as tea.

language ecosystem
Seasonality - What seasons or climates is Brugmansia Ciliata most often found in?

In most dry regions. It blooms twice a year, for 1 week.

Reproduction - How does Brugmansia Ciliata reproduce and spread?

They rely on cloning themselves by growing a new specimen to reproduce.

history Changelog
edit Notes

As a defense mechanism the Brugmansia Ciliata grows small thorns.


This flora was created by DarriusBlack on

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