info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?

Lavender Sprig

Description - How would you describe Lavender Sprig?

They are very common amongst green environments

bubble_chart Classification






local_florist Appearance
Size - How big does Lavender Sprig grow?

Leaf shape is diverse across the genus. They are simple in some commonly cultivated species; in other species they are pinnately toothed, or pinnate, sometimes multiple pinnate and dissected. In most species the leaves are covered in fine hairs or indumentum, which normally contain the essential oils.

Taste - What does Lavender Sprig taste like?

They taste extremely bitter when eaten.

Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Lavender Sprig?

Purple-petal flowers

Smell - What does Lavender Sprig smell like?

A distinct sweet smell.

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