info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?

Devil’s Bloodleaf

Description - How would you describe Devil’s Bloodleaf?

This large and bold red leaf can be going back in history to the dawn of humankind.

bubble_chart Classification






local_florist Appearance
Size - How big does Devil’s Bloodleaf grow?

5 - 6 feet

Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Devil’s Bloodleaf?

The leaves are round, somewhat puckered, and colored red -- except for yellowish midribs and veins. There are variants with green leaves, yellow veining, and bright red stalks and veins. Their white or yellow flowers are tiny and insignificant.

add_box Produce
Material uses - How is Devil’s Bloodleaf used in producing other materials?

It was once a popular decoration around homes and gardens, but has become one of the rarest
plants in the world.

Medicinal purposes - Does Devil’s Bloodleaf have any medicinal use?

It is said to give immense vitality
and health to one who can properly prepare the plant.

language ecosystem
history Changelog
edit Notes

This flora was created by DarriusBlack on

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