info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?

Torchleaf tree

Description - How would you describe Torchleaf tree?

Bio-luminescent trees

bubble_chart Classification
local_florist Appearance
Taste - What does Torchleaf tree taste like?

Again, probably like battery acid

Smell - What does Torchleaf tree smell like?

Probably like battery acid

Size - How big does Torchleaf tree grow?

Around 25 meters tall, the same size as a Raffia Palm

Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Torchleaf tree?

Green and brown like a normal tree

add_box Produce
Material uses - How is Torchleaf tree used in producing other materials?

Used as street lamps

language ecosystem
Seasonality - What seasons or climates is Torchleaf tree most often found in?

Summer and spring

Reproduction - How does Torchleaf tree reproduce and spread?


history Changelog
edit Notes

It was genetically altered by magic a long time ago so that it would produce a powerful enough glow, but notes on how it was done were destroyed in a fire. The species is kept alive by their own reproduction.
During the winter, the trees wither and they're used as lamp posts. Lanterns are hung on it until they can flower and produce their own light again.
Instead of producing leaves or fruit like a normal tree, the branches grow around each other like spherical balls. They're covered in a sticky substance, so moths attracted to the light get stuck on the branches and slowly decay on the branches to be eaten.
It's a glowing plant-spider-web, basically.

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