info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?


Description - How would you describe Bloodvine?

Veins of the forest

bubble_chart Classification
local_florist Appearance
Size - How big does Bloodvine grow?

Winds around gigantic trees, impossible to judge size.

Taste - What does Bloodvine taste like?

Salty, and slightly sweet.

Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Bloodvine?

Deep velvet crimson

Smell - What does Bloodvine smell like?

Maple sugar

add_box Produce
Material uses - How is Bloodvine used in producing other materials?

Good for making twine or incense. Wax coats the outside, which is often used as a thickener in dishes or candies, or is chewed like gum.

Berries - What kinds of berries does Bloodvine produce?

Small berries that pop with juice and small seeds grow off of small branches and in clumps by leaves. These are usually sour, used in candies to make them more... sour.

Medicinal purposes - Does Bloodvine have any medicinal use?

Relaxes someone, and if in enough concentration, gives them a high. Often used as a depressant.

language ecosystem
Seasonality - What seasons or climates is Bloodvine most often found in?

Thrives in fall and winter, often spreading almost beyond control. Is generally tame during spring and summer.

Reproduction - How does Bloodvine reproduce and spread?

Dropped berries create new plants, and squirrels and birds that eat them tend to spread it quickly.

history Changelog
edit Notes

One of the more popular drugs on Maelani

Character chevron_right Floras link linked Bloodvine

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This flora was created by Paxley O'Phinney on

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