info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?


Other names - What other names is Wakeflower known by?


Description - How would you describe Wakeflower?

The smell of morning

bubble_chart Classification
local_florist Appearance
Size - How big does Wakeflower grow?

The flower is about 10 cm across, and can grow up to 1 m off the ground.

Taste - What does Wakeflower taste like?


Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Wakeflower?

Deep purple and bright yellow petals, dark green leaves and stems

Smell - What does Wakeflower smell like?

Bitter and stinging

add_box Produce
Material uses - How is Wakeflower used in producing other materials?

Is also used as a stimulant to wake someone up in the morning, like coffee, except one inhales the pollen instead of eating part of it.

Seeds - What kinds of seeds does Wakeflower produce?

Wakeflower seeds contain just enough of the chemical that wakes you up to be a good snack in the morning, so long as you don't overdose.

Medicinal purposes - Does Wakeflower have any medicinal use?

The pollen of Wakeflower can be used to counter the effects of anesthesia in order to wake the patient up faster.

language ecosystem
Seasonality - What seasons or climates is Wakeflower most often found in?

Grows quickly in the spring and keeps producing throughout the summer.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Floras link linked Wakeflower

Town chevron_right Flora link linked Wakeflower

Country chevron_right Flora link linked Wakeflower

Planet chevron_right Flora link linked Wakeflower

This flora was created by Paxley O'Phinney on

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