info Overview
Name - What's the name of this flora?

Warm safflina

Other names - What other names is Warm safflina known by?

Red safflina

Description - How would you describe Warm safflina?

A flowering stalk-like plant that often grows in hot climates.

bubble_chart Classification


local_florist Appearance
Smell - What does Warm safflina smell like?

The flowers are warm to the touch and smell somewhat like ginseng.

Colorings - What kinds of colorings are found on each part of Warm safflina?

The plant produces clusters of small red flowers along the stalk.

Size - How big does Warm safflina grow?

The plant itself can grow up to 20 inches in length.

Taste - What does Warm safflina taste like?

The flower warms up the tongue and tastes somewhat spicy.

add_box Produce
Fruits - What fruits does Warm safflina produce?


Nuts - What kinds of nuts does Warm safflina produce?


Berries - What kinds of berries does Warm safflina produce?


Medicinal purposes - Does Warm safflina have any medicinal use?

The flowers can be used to create dishes and elixirs that raises one's resistance to the cold which is particularly essential for those into mountain-climbing.

Seeds - What kinds of seeds does Warm safflina produce?


language ecosystem
Seasonality - What seasons or climates is Warm safflina most often found in?

The warm safflina typically grows in areas with a hot, dry climate, such as the desert.

Reproduction - How does Warm safflina reproduce and spread?

Insects and birds that feed on the nectar pollinate nearby plants for reproduction.

history Changelog
edit Notes
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