info Overview
Name - What is K'welig's name?


Description - How would you describe K'welig?

God of Torment

grade Powers
date_range History

The world isn't always sunshine and roses - people suffer. People live in anguish. People are tormented.

Wherever those things exist, so to does K'welig. People who enjoy hurting others pray to her in order to be extra effective. People who know what they are causing leave her offerings to have her blessings.

And she supplies. Whispering to the ears of those who call to her, giving them what knowledge they require. After all, why should she not?

Surprisingly, however, K'welig had no interest in partaking in the God Rebellion when offered. Rather she was content to sit back and revel in the torment it caused, both to the Gods and to all those who worshiped them.

edit Notes

This deity was created by Sigilmancy on

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