info Overview
Name - What is Onisohxe Klass's name?

Onisohxe Klass

Description - How would you describe Onisohxe Klass?

The Crystalline Cage, Goddess of Beauty

grade Powers
date_range History

Onisohxe is part of a series of minor gods, her powers relating to the manipulation of glass, gemstones, and similar things.

Because she is almost always seen with crystalline wings and outfits made of gemstones wrapped around her she was given the title of the Goddess of Beauty.

However beauty is fickle, and usually only skin deep. So those who would call upon this goddess for minor things are often met with wrath and unpleasant surprises leaving many to leave her offerings and prayers but never actually invoke her for fear she may judge them.

edit Notes

This deity was created by Sigilmancy on

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