Goddess of sun, light, and daytime
Ghriana can be depicted as feminine or gender-neutral. Either way, she always has a halo-like band around her head, wrists, and neck. They are representative of how their power chains them.
Suns are representative of Ghriana
She can become blindingly bright or take her light away completely.
Their weakness is Gealach, their lover, who can never be with her since they are on opposite sides of the sky. They will touch briefly at the sunrise and sunset, but other than that, each of their domains keeps them from the love of their lives.
While most lovers pray to Lamaeri, a broken heart may turn to Ghriana or Gealach, wanting to speak to someone who knows what it is like to be apart from the one you love.
This deity was created by Abigail Pickard on
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