info Overview

Shore Eater

Description - How would you describe a Shore Eater?

Large Territorial Bulette

Type of creature - What type of animal is Shore Eater?


pets Looks
Shape - How would you describe the shape of a Shore Eater?

"Land Shark"
Four legs and aerodynamic body covered in a hard leather shell. Resembles a giant shelled badger with crocodile teeth.

Size - How big (or small) is the usual Shore Eater?


fingerprint Traits
location_on Habitat
call_split Comparisons
timeline Evolution
scatter_plot Reproduction
bubble_chart Classification
edit Notes

The Shore Eater is a local hazard, mentioned to you by the recruiters before you ever stepped foot on the boat. It is a Bulette of considerable size and strength, which plagues the otherwise fertile and spacious southeastern spur of Kingsreach. For reasons unknown, it will not cross the river that separates its territory from the eastern edge of the outpost lands. The beast is dangerous, and to be avoided.


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