a small being, human in form, playful, and having magical powers
any skin tone, a wide variety of colored wings
like a human with the wings of a dragonfly or butterfly
size of a nail
slightly pointed nose
not at all
hiding in trees
49 mph
size, easy to catch
like a little buzzing noise to other creatures because of their size and voice being drawn out byte noise of their wings
Wings, magic wand that will no longer work, a body that won't decay
Up in the trees
bugs, fruits, and plants
live together as a 'colony'
pixies, elves
poachers, trolls
dragonflies, hummingbirds, butterflies
childhood, spirituality, femininity, beauty in all things
marriage, same wing type, similar magic
an annual festival where there is a dance.
sexual intercourse
can every 2 weeks
like those of humans
feed teachers
This creature was created by cj hicks on Notebook.ai.
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