info Overview


Type of creature - What type of animal is Dra'Kain?


pets Looks
Materials - What materials (feathers, scales, etc) is Dra'Kain made of?

See Syl tab

Notable features - What physical features are most notable for Dra'Kain?

Unlike other males he has 6 horns - one set is split from where traders tried to cut his horns when he was younger

Size - How big (or small) is the usual Dra'Kain?

He is larger than most others - considered a rarity due to his size and magic abilities
However, this is due to his innate talent and his bond with Sor'Ryn

Color - What colors does a Dra'Kain come in?

See gallery

Shape - How would you describe the shape of a Dra'Kain?

See Syl tab

fingerprint Traits
Sounds - What sounds does Dra'Kain make?

What sounds does Dra'Kain make? He is normally silent, except when fighting, he will roar and with Fallyn he will 'purr'

Aggressiveness - How aggressive is the average Dra'Kain?

He is more aggressive than the others. It is difficult for others, including Sor'Ryn to calm him down.
Fallyn is the only one who can calm him down immediately

Method of attack - What methods does a Dra'Kain use to attack?

what methods does Dra'Kain use to attack? He typically attacks head on, however he is very good with stealth attack.s

Methods of defense - How does a Dra'Kain defend itself from attackers?

How does a Dra'Kain defend itself from attacks? He is adept at using his tail but he normally does not like going on the defensive.
He will become a 'ball' if its to protect Sor'Ryn or Fallyn - any person

Maximum speed - How fast can a Dra'Kain move?

How fast can Dra'Kain move? He is faster than others

Strengths - What are the notable strengths of Dra'Kain?

What are the notable strengths of Dra'Kain? He is extremely protective of what he considers his, physical strength as well has proficiency at magic

Weaknesses - What are the notable weaknesses of Dra'Kain?

What are Dra'Kains weaknesses? His temper can be blinding, and has fears that most 'humans' are trying to kill him - past event when someone tried to take his horns, distrusting

location_on Habitat
Preferred habitat - What kind of habitat is best for Dra'Kain?

what kind of habitat is best for Dra'Kain? He lives alone in a high cavernous opening in the Middle Mt - Sor'Ryns Mt/home.
*Later on in the book he will live with the others in a pack

Food sources - Where does Dra'Kain find its food?

Where does Dra'Kain find its food? Each Kuvan raises many types of herding animals for the Syls to eat. Some go off to hunt but that is rare or with permission so they are not considered rogue.

call_split Comparisons
bubble_chart Classification
history Changelog
edit Notes
timeline evolution
scatter_plot Reproduction

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