Intelligent giant species
Serpentine creatures with legs who emit magic
Adult can be about the height of a pendunculat oak, with the females generally being slightly larger than the males.
Draconic, with horns and four legs but without the wings.
Its saliva acts as a protective coating against the lightning it shoots.
Mainly green, but there are many colors.
Rather slow on land because of its size.
Low reproduction rate.
Can't breathe lightning when wet or after swimming.
If an Uë shoots lightning without licking its claws first, thereby coating it in its protective saliva, it could shock itself as its claws are the only unprotected part of its body against lightning.
Physical strength, strong jaws, strong swimmer.
Hides for leather and armor.
Horns, when decorated, are said to be good luck charms.
Claws as jewelry.
Saliva for potions.
Sharp, high-pitched dragon roar?
Tough, magic-repellent scales.
Mouth flaps that can open to expand the jaw and terrify enemies.
Even though they emit their own magic, it's able to draw on people's own power in order to breathe fire?
Jaws (chomp chomp)
Perhaps a little slower than a horse at full speed in a straight line.
Don't generally attack unless hungry or protecting young or another injured Ue.
Low birth rate.
As they have no specific migratory patterns, and they don't want too many to converge in one area (for safety and magic dispersion reasons), they mate whenever they get the chance and are interested, really.
Caves, forest ground.
None - it all depends on the Uë.
Usually solitary.
Hunting prey. Preferred food:
Big animals, like elk and deer.
Keepers of magic - Ancient Ones.
They're a revered species and often left alone. They're thought to be the first and oldest species on the planet, a gift from the gods.
- Intelligent beings, capable of complex thought similar to humans, almost. Despite this, they are seen as savage war beasts, as they were once used to devastating effect in Iorgana's war. (She never told the world how she tamed them, so they assumed it was through magic instead of delegation)
- They always migrate, usually alone, so that they can disperse magic evenly throughout the world.
- When they hibernate, their only defense then is their magic. When strong enough and provided they remain in a conscious enough state to run the spell, it can alert them to intruders.
- Uë secretes a chemical from their skin that most complex organisms are able to harness and use. They call this chemical magic.
- When they stay in one place, the magic can build up. This is why most magic reserves are found in deep caves where Uë onced hibernated, because magic is insulated within, especially in iron deposits.
Low birth rate.
As they have no specific migratory patterns, and they don't want too many to converge in one area (for safety and magic dispersion reasons), they mate whenever they get the chance and are interested, really.