info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Belgium?

Where Zanthaxium 242 meteorite and some associated temporal rifts (time portals) are located

Other names - What other names is Belgium known by?

*Belge(in French)

location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Population - What is the population of Belgium?

11.35 million

Currency - What currency is used in Belgium?

the Euro

Laws - What are the major laws in Belgium?

The Belgian Law

Sports - What sports are popular in Belgium?

*Table Tennis

Education - How important is education in Belgium?


terrain Geography
Area - How big is Belgium?

11,787 mi²

Crops - What crops does Belgium import or export?

*Sugar Beets
*Assorted fruits

Climate - What is the climate like in Belgium?

Belgium has a temperate maritime climate influenced by the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean, with cool summers and moderate winters. Since the country is small there is little variation in climate from region to region, although the marine influences are less inland.

date_range History
Founding story - How was Belgium founded?
Established year - When was Belgium founded?


Notable wars - What notable wars has Belgium participated in?

*The Belgian Revolution
*Liberal Wars
*The French intervention in Mexico

edit Notes
Landmark chevron_right Country link linked Belgium

Town chevron_right Country link linked Belgium

This country was created by Ryan McHugh on

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