info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Japan?

Where the Red Eclipse facility is located.

Other names - What other names is Japan known by?

The land of the rising sun.

location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Population - What is the population of Japan?

127 million

Currency - What currency is used in Japan?


Laws - What are the major laws in Japan?

*The Civil Code
*The Commercial Code
*The Criminal Code
*The Constitution of Japan

Sports - What sports are popular in Japan?

*Sumo wrestling
*Martial arts

terrain Geography
Area - How big is Japan?

145,936 mi²

Crops - What crops does Japan import or export?

*Various fruits and vegetables

Climate - What is the climate like in Japan?

The weather in Japan is generally temperate, with four distinct seasons: Japan's weather in Winter, from December to February, is quite dry and sunny along the Pacific coast and the temperatures rarely drop below 0°C. The temperatures drop as you move north, with the Central and Northern regions experiencing snowfall.

date_range History
Founding story - How was Japan founded?
Established year - When was Japan founded?

660 BC

Notable wars - What notable wars has Japan participated in?

*East Expedition of Emperor Jimmu
(7th century BCE)
*Civil war of Wa (2nd century CE
*Expeditions of Empress Jingū
(c. 3rd century CE)
*Goguryeo–Wa conflicts
(391–404 CE)

edit Notes
Landmark chevron_right Country link linked Japan

This country was created by Ryan McHugh on

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