info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?

United States of America

Description - How would you describe United States of America?

Where Dark Moon Central HQ is located. Land of the free and home of the brave (formerly)

Other names - What other names is United States of America known by?


location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Population - What is the population of United States of America?

325.7 million

Currency - What currency is used in United States of America?

U.S. dollars

Laws - What are the major laws in United States of America?

U.S. Constitution

Sports - What sports are popular in United States of America?


terrain Geography
Area - How big is United States of America?

3.797 million mi²

Crops - What crops does United States of America import or export?

Corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, and hay account for 90% of harvested acreage in the United States.

Climate - What is the climate like in United States of America?

Northern states are cold and southern states are hot.

date_range History
Founding story - How was United States of America founded?

Representatives from the 13 colonies: Boston, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut,New Hampshire, Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey and New York came together to create and sign a Declaration of Independence.

Established year - When was United States of America founded?


Notable wars - What notable wars has United States of America participated in?

*Revolt. War
*Civil War
*Vietnam War
*Korean War
*Cold War
*Gulf War

edit Notes
Landmark chevron_right Country link linked United States of America

This country was created by Ryan McHugh on

See more from Ryan McHugh
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