info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Bosh ?

A kingdom that demands obedience, ruled by a tyrant who is expected to keep them together.

Living in Bosh has never been easy. Even in the days of old when the first Tyrant still ruled, making a place for one self was met with challenges. Though one should not complain. It is the duty of each member of society to contribute whatever they can for the betterment of not just for themselves but for their kingdom and those who live within it.

Life is only made harder when you must consider the many threats there are to Bosh. The savage barbarian's that continue to invade the valley, the vengeful koldmorder that seeks to ravage the the lands of Bosh once more, the hill giants rumbling the land with their destructive march, the terrifying red dragons that live in the mountains, or the plethora of other monsters that prey on the people of Bosh. Each threatening the kingdom in their own ways.

And yet the kingdom does not stop when presented with a hurdle, instead when it cannot overcome it must endure. The suffering of its people, their ability to hardened themselves when met with crisis is a testament to that.

Other names - What other names is Bosh known by?

The Kingdom In The Valley, The Tyrantical Kingdom

location_on Points of interest
face Culture
Population - What is the population of Bosh ?

The current number of living in Bosh is 29 million. While getting an exact number is near impossible due to how often people die to monster attacks and sparks of conflicts, the Kingdom of Bosh takes measuring their population very seriously as it is one of the ways their people determine periods of prosperity.

Social hierarchy - How is the population separated into hierarchical classes?

In Bosh there are multiple social statuses on could bare. The basic are the trades, the sovereigns, the dregs, and the fracts (short for fraction).

Fracts are the majority of people in Bosh, commoners who contribute only a portion to the well being of kingdom as a whole. Though one may be classed as a fract it does not limit anyone to that lifestyle. The more one accomplishes and contributes to society the more responsibilities, benefits, and overall improvements to their lives they can expect. A notable example officers in the military, a cleric of a church, or a doctor for a small town. Though the lowest of the fracts might find themselves becoming a dreg. Dregs are people who contribute nothing to society and are a burden on the kingdom. Slaves are also classed as dreg though only because of the reasons that led them to being place their.

Above both dregs and fracts are the trades. These are people who have developed a system, skill, or ability that contributes greatly to Bosh. Rich merchant lords, great craftsmans, even legendary Adventurers are considered trades if their reputation and success meet the standard. Trades will often be called upon or include in the plans of ruling members to better maintain the kingdom. Though relations in the past have been sour, sometimes the trades end up conflicting for power and influence with the sovereigns. The sovereigns are the officials and appointed officers in the government. Judges, lords, mayors are all examples of someone in who can be considered a sovereign. While each group follows their own hierarchy they all must obey the commands of the tyrant, as no one is above their will.

While one can be elevated to different positions throughout the social structure of Bosh society, it is almost impossible to regain a lost position when one has failed the kingdom. Shame is a powerful weapon in the politics of Bosh, it can causes others to question your competence or your loyalties. If enough minds are convinced then even the most esteemed members of Bosh will be knocked down from power.

Currency - What currency is used in Bosh ?

Bosh doesn't rely entirely on a coin system of currency, while the vast majority of people in the kingdom will accept coins as a form of payment, Bosch doesn't mint any coins themselves.

Instead Bosh makes banknotes with assigned values equal to coin amounts. There are plenty of nicknames for the Bosh banknote. Though the official name for the currency is parcs.

Commonly referred to as a copper parcs (or CP) the 1 parc bill is the same worth of a single copper coin.

Next is the "silver parc" (or SP) the 5 parc bill is worth one silver coin.

There is the "electrum parc" (or EP) which is a 10 parc bill worth a single electrum coin.

The "gold parc" (or GP) is a 20 parc bill worth a single gold coin.

A "platinum parc" (or PP) is a 100 parc bill worth a single platinum coin.

Each parc is designed with the kingdoms symbol on one side, with a drawing on the other side tailored to the value of the bill.

Laws - What are the major laws in Bosh ?

The laws of Bosh are strict, while most are reasonable laws they are all enforce by brutal punishments as to enforce the idea that it should never be committed again. Thieves and muggers will be become slaves, murderers are given public executions with the worst offenders having to witness as any associated with them such as friends or family are also put to death.

Though out of the crimes to be found guilty of the worse is treason. Obedience is expected from any who enter or live in Bosh. To defy the government is to defy the tyrant. Plotting a rebellion, sabotaging infrastructure, or jeopardizing the security of the kingdom are all crimes that fall under the act of treason and those guilt should expect severe punishment.

Education - How important is education in Bosh ?

Those raised in Bosh can expect a unhealthy amount of propaganda in their education, supporting the regime and teaching the youth the value of respecting (some cases) praising the tyrant as a wise and noble leader. Schools are pressured to force this cultural indoctrination or be accused of treason for compromising the future of Bosh.

By the time a common Bosh citizen reaches adulthood they are expected to understand how to have basic reading and writing comprehension, as well as an understanding for the history of Bosh and money. This is the minimum amount of knowledge a member of the fracts are expected to have.

A member of the trades can opt into furthering their education, typically focusing in a field that helps further their career or for interest alone.

A member of the sovereigns is required to have a understanding of the field they operate. Incompetence due to insufficient training or education is no excuse thus any position bestowed or inherited will come with exhausting lessons and long lectures to insure the quality of those responsible for running the kingdom.


Bosh exports plenty of metals, and minerals which are all harvested from their surrounding mountains. The kingdom is most well known for its gems and its care at handling them. In the last five decades Bosh has been exporting large amounts of cotton which has been quite equatable.

Though because growing cotton has become so profitable, most farmers in Bosh have switched to focusing on growing cotton instead of growing any food. Forcing Bosh to rely more on importing food into the kingdom more than it already did.

The need for food in Bosh can only be rivaled by its increasing lumber need, as the amount of forests in Bosh is decreasing as blight and disaster destroys the forests in the valley.

terrain Geography
Area - How big is Bosh ?

A valley lands surrounded by two mountain ranges on its west and east sides. The rocky terrain covered in lush greenery makes itself home to a large number of races. Mainly humans who have been the ruling race since even before the fall of the Old Kingdom. Darted across the landscape are settlements and stand alone structures that function in the strict society of Bosh.

Climate - What is the climate like in Bosh ?

Rarely will the valley of Bosh experience harsh humidity or heat, the winds carry cool air and storms onto the land. During the colder seasons everything is blanketed in thick layers of snow. Though in some regions it stays cold enough for monsters like frost giants to take residences.

date_range History
Founding story - How was Bosh founded?

Long ago the Old Kingdom settled the primitive valley, forcing the native people into complying with their changes and laws. When the War of Ruination the people of the Old Kingdom seemingly vanished from the valley with no record of what happened to them.

Without the infrastructure of society the people devolved back into tribes, surviving off what little could be scavenged from the ruins of the Old Kingdom's settlements and forging from the land. As desperation grew within worried hearts it would give way when one tribe began attacking the other tribes. As time went on this tribe which became known as the koldmorder, would gain the favor of the Demon Lord Norzar due to their savage lifestyle and the brutal decimation of their rivals. He awarded them power and increase their numbers with his demons and followers.

It became clear that the koldmorder now threatened all of the valley with their savage conquest. As panic began to take hold one man stood up to take charge. With his strength and imposing leadership he united all the scattered tribes in one functioning force. With this united force they repelled the koldmorder at the Battle of Crystal Sky. They routed the koldmorder to the Grievous Mountains where they have remained ever since, wishing bloody vengeance on those of the valley.

After their victory in defending the valley these tribal people would eventually establish the Kingdom of Bosh, united under the first Tyrant of Bosh. Since than the kingdom has lived on, enduring with the strength and hard work of its people.

Established year - When was Bosh founded?

Year 1594 H.A., in the 16th century.

Notable History

WIP. Still complying notes.

edit Notes
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