info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Description - How would you describe Vortan?

Home of the Vorteauns, a vampiric in nature race

Other names - What other names is Vortan known by?

Thaltlh (the ll is silent; ancient name before settled by Vilear, the Ruthless.)

location_on Points of interest
Bordering countries

face Culture
Population - What is the population of Vortan?

Approximately 20,000 people

Currency - What currency is used in Vortan?


Laws - What are the major laws in Vortan?

Vilearean Doctrine

Sports - What sports are popular in Vortan?


Social hierarchy - How is the population separated into hierarchical classes?

The Night King
The Court of Blood
Night Stryders

Pop culture - What is the pop culture scene like in Vortan?


Music - What kinds of music are popular in Vortan?

Vorteaun chamber music

Education - How important is education in Vortan?

It wasn't originally but at the time of CoW: AoK in 2022 AR

Architecture - What kind of architecture is popular in Vortan?


terrain Geography
Area - How big is Vortan?

3.89 million mi2

Crops - What crops does Vortan import or export?


Climate - What is the climate like in Vortan?

High ridges and cavernous regions in the Far Lands.

date_range History
Established year - When was Vortan founded?

200 ABM

Notable wars - What notable wars has Vortan participated in?

The Equinox Wars

edit Notes

This country was created by Ryan McHugh on

See more from Ryan McHugh
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