info Overview
Formal name


terrain Geography
Topography - How would you describe the topography of Brisrial?

Brisrial is mostly vast vegetation that abruptly cuts off into desolate plains and ruin.

Bodies of water - What large bodies of water are there in Brisrial?

Brisrial has no natural bodies of water, however, random strains of rivers exist.

face Culture
Demonym - What are the people that live in Brisrial called?

Populations from Brisrial were colloquially known as Vexes or Vexed, since they are referred to as "plagued" and "tormented." However, populations were recently recognized as Brisrianese.

Politics - What are the politics like in Brisrial?

There are no overseeing political figures or formal governments in Brisrial.

Economy - What is the economy like in Brisrial?

There are no overseeing economic systems in Brisrial.

Tourism - What is the tourism like in Brisrial?

Tourism is rare.

Reputation - What is Brisrial's reputation?

Brisrial is a shady, sufficiently ragged, and distinctly unsavory place on Mozora.

Renown for its diminished exterior, rakish communities, and historical locations.

local_florist Nature
Crops - What crops are usually grown in Brisrial?

On the surface, there isn't much luck with farming. Not necessarily nationally known, Brisrianese have taken a particular interest in corn and wheat within underground farms.

fireplace Climate
Temperature - How hot does it get in Brisrial? How cold?

Brisrial's temperature shifts with its seasons. With a highest of 86° F in the warm seasons and a lowest -24° F in the cold seasons.

Seasons - What are the seasons like in Brisrial?

There are four seasons in Brisrial.


3 months
Best known for its warm temperatures and rain. Tornadoes are most common during Rainpeak.


3 months
Best known for its heat and long, sunny days.


3 months
Best known for its cool winds and temperature.


3 months
Best known for snowfall and freezing winds.

Humidity - How humid is it in Brisrial?

Brisrial could be between 45% an 75% humidity depending on the season and location; dry and cool/cold, and humid and cold.

Precipitation - What kind of precipitation does Brisrial experience? How often?

Rain and snow are common in Brisrial.

Winds - What are the winds like in Brisrial?

On a normal day, winds are described as squally; threatening.

Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common in Brisrial?

Bad thunderstorms and intense thunderstorms are common. During Rainpeak, tornadoes are possible.

date_range History
edit Notes
Location chevron_right Located at link mentioned Brisrial

Planet chevron_right Continents link mentioned Brisrial

Country chevron_right Continent link mentioned Brisrial

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