info Overview
Formal name


Description - What is Apexis's description?

Known to be a grassy and forest area where the kingdom of Apexica sits above villages and towns.

terrain Geography
Topography - How would you describe the topography of Apexis?

Apexis is mostly grass lands with hills, rivers, lakes, lots of plains, and a few small mountains.

Bodies of water - What large bodies of water are there in Apexis?

There are various lakes and rivers that reside in Apexis.

face Culture
Demonym - What are the people that live in Apexis called?

People from Apexis are known as Apexites.

Politics - What are the politics like in Apexis?

Apexis is a democratic and ceremonial monarchy, in which the royal family exercises little authority within the written constitution of Apexica.

Economy - What is the economy like in Apexis?

Apexis has a traditional economic system. Since a majority of Apexis is made up of villages and towns, they provide their own goods, services, and labor.

Reputation - What is Apexis's reputation?

Apexis is a highly professional, literary, well-founded, and notorious place on Mozora. Renown for its honorable and respectable government, vast multicultural society, and glorious flora.

local_florist Nature
Crops - What crops are usually grown in Apexis?

Because of the location, Apexis isn't known for any one type of crop. They are usually known as a hub for many different crops.

fireplace Climate
Temperature - How hot does it get in Apexis? How cold?

The highest recorded temperature in Apexis has been 106 F, with the lowest reaching about 0 F.

Seasons - What are the seasons like in Apexis?

In Apexis, there are four seasons:

Blossom Crown, similar to Spring, is best known as when flowers begin to bloom and the beginning of farming seasons. 3 months.

Ardortide, similar to Summer, is best known for its heat and long, sunny days. 3 months.

Withergreen, similar to Autumn, is best known as when the flowers and leaves wither away, leaving just the Evergreen trees. This is also the season of harvest. 3 months.

Rimewane, similar to Winter, is best known for its snowfall and lower temperatures. 3 months.

Humidity - How humid is it in Apexis?

Apexis can be between 55% and 75% humidity, depending on the season.

In other words, it could be a mixture of cT (dry and warm), cP (dry and cool/cold), and mP (humid and cold).

Precipitation - What kind of precipitation does Apexis experience? How often?

Apexis experiences rain most often, and snow and hail commonly in the season of Rimewane.

Winds - What are the winds like in Apexis?

There is normally little to no wind, resulting in common breezy conditions. However, during certain weather events, it will become windy or brisk.

Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common in Apexis?

During Blossom Crown and Ardortide, thunder storms are most common. However, there have been rare cases of flooding and hurricanes/tropical storms.

During Withergreen, there are occasional storms.

During Rimewane, there is the possibility for heavy snow fall or ice storms.

date_range History
edit Notes

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