info Overview
Name - What is BIO RAID hallucinogenics 's name?

BIO RAID hallucinogenics

Description - Describe BIO RAID hallucinogenics .

Due to weird shit happening to the brain and the extra Agro stored inside of the human body, your brain is now, uh, broken. To an extent.

Type of condition - What kind of condition is BIO RAID hallucinogenics ?


bubble_chart Causes
Epidemiology - How is BIO RAID hallucinogenics controlled or quarantined? How does it first occur?

It first occurs as soon as the BIO RAID suit is activated (once activation begins, the needles transfer the nanites to your bloodstream that hold the Agro). The only cure is, well, not getting into the damn thing.

Genetic factors - What genetic factors affect how contractable or effective BIO RAID hallucinogenics is?

Although the Agro somewhat boosts your brain processing speed for worst-case scenarios in the field and enhances your general speed and strength (by destroying small amounts of myostatin, mind you), the loss of needed chemicals (the myostatin) and the extra work the brain has to do, plus the unknown energy now inside of your body just sorta let loose, your brain loses its grip on reality.

Transmission - How does BIO RAID hallucinogenics spread?

It is not transmissible

local_hospital Effects
Variations - What other forms of BIO RAID hallucinogenics are out there?

Spontaneous death

healing Treatment
bar_chart Analysis
Rarity - How rare is BIO RAID hallucinogenics ?

This will occur for every user of the BIO RAID suit.
It will happen every time.

date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This condition was created by James Hudson on

See more from James Hudson
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