info Overview
Name - What is Luvena's Blessing's name?

Luvena's Blessing

Description - Describe Luvena's Blessing.

The curse or blessing of lycanthropy(depends on outlook) caused by natural birth or a scratch/bite of a Meddian or Sempi-Meddi.

Type of condition - What kind of condition is Luvena's Blessing?


Alternate names - What other names is Luvena's Blessing known by?

Cosmic lycanthropy

bubble_chart Causes
Genetic factors - What genetic factors affect how contractable or effective Luvena's Blessing is?

Meddian blood

Environmental factors - What environmental factors affect how contractable or effective Luvena's Blessing is?


Lifestyle factors - What lifestyle factors affect how contractable or effective Luvena's Blessing is?

Exposure to Meddians

Transmission - How does Luvena's Blessing spread?

Genes or by scratch/bite.

Epidemiology - How is Luvena's Blessing controlled or quarantined? How does it first occur?

Not contagious

local_hospital Effects
Visual effects - How does Luvena's Blessing manifest visually?

On the near full moon, the newly afflicted will turn into wolf and have to perform the Trials of the Moon or lose control of this condition.

Mental effects - How does Luvena's Blessing affect the mind?

Taps into more primal instincts and enlightens if used properly.

Symptoms - What are the symptoms of Luvena's Blessing?

Wolf-like features, mannerisms or appearance.

Duration - How long does Luvena's Blessing last?

On 1st contact, lasts whole night if the Trials of the Moon are passed. If failed, several lifetimes.

Prognosis - How deadly is Luvena's Blessing? What is the most likely outcome for those who contract it?

Deadly for those unaffected and unaware of condition. Lethal but not deadly if controlled or disciplined.

Variations - What other forms of Luvena's Blessing are out there?


healing Treatment
Prevention - How do people keep from contracting Luvena's Blessing?

Unavoidable if genetic. Otherwise, you can avoid contracting 99% of the time by not enraging a Meddian

Diagnostic method - How do doctors determine whether someone has Luvena's Blessing?

First if there eyes start to shift between their natural color and unnatural color(varies between person). Then if they have more pronounced canines and other wolf like features.

Treatment - What is the treatment for Luvena's Blessing?


Medication - What medicines help treat Luvena's Blessing?


Immunization - What immunizations are available for Luvena's Blessing?

Vampirification blocks this condition but the person in question becomes said vampire.

bar_chart Analysis

Blood curses/blessings

Rarity - How rare is Luvena's Blessing?

Very common the farther from Sector 2184 or human-colonized planets.

Symbolism - What does Luvena's Blessing represent in your world?

For Vorteauns-dishonor and disgrace
For everyone else- it's just a part of life

date_range History
Origin - Where did Luvena's Blessing originate?

Meddia, 50 ABM

Evolution - How has Luvena's Blessing changed over time?

Meddians learned how to adapt to gain control of condition

edit Notes

This condition was created by Ryan McHugh on

See more from Ryan McHugh
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