info Overview
Name - What is Burn out 's name?

Burn out

Description - Describe Burn out .

Burn out is when a human caster pushes themselves past their limits. It can be temporary or permanent

Type of condition - What kind of condition is Burn out ?


bubble_chart Causes
Transmission - How does Burn out spread?

While there is no illness to be past,social pressures are a big cause, along with the casters own haste and frustration

Genetic factors - What genetic factors affect how contractable or effective Burn out is?

Being a caster

Environmental factors - What environmental factors affect how contractable or effective Burn out is?

It is more common for casters, young ones at that, in academia

Lifestyle factors - What lifestyle factors affect how contractable or effective Burn out is?

Pushing past the casters limits and experience. Not taking breaks. while no caster is immune, It is more common for casters, young ones at that, in academia

local_hospital Effects
Prognosis - How deadly is Burn out ? What is the most likely outcome for those who contract it?

In fatal cases, 100%
Temp and permanent usually survive but may still die depending on factors such as what they where trying to do, experience, how hard the after effect hit them and what care they receive.

Variations - What other forms of Burn out are out there?

temporary, permanent, and fatal

Duration - How long does Burn out last?

temp burnout usually resolves itself anywhere from a few hours to a few months depending on how experienced the caster was and what they where trying to do. The longest on record was three years

Symptoms - What are the symptoms of Burn out ?

Casters will feel as if they are burning from the inside out around the chest. In the case of a fatal burn out, this sensation will gulf them and their system will shut down. Then the caster will feel as if a cold hard weight rested on their chest. In permanent cases, the caster will feel a shattered sensation during this stage. Headache or migraine, anxiety, depression, tachycardia, fever that usually resolves anywhere from an hour to a few weeks after

Mental effects - How does Burn out affect the mind?

anxiety, depression, delirium, a looming sense of doom
suicidal dealation, while not common, has been documented

usually resolves anywhere from an hour to a few weeks after

Visual effects - How does Burn out manifest visually?

possibility of bursting blood vessels resulting in nose bleed or blood shot eyes
glazed eye

healing Treatment
Treatment - What is the treatment for Burn out ?

supportive care

bar_chart Analysis
date_range History
history Changelog
edit Notes
Race chevron_right Weaknesses link mentioned Burn out

Race chevron_right Condition(s) link mentioned Burn out

This condition was created by Magic Crown on

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