info Overview
Name - What is Caligulas infection's name?

Caligulas infection

Description - Describe Caligulas infection.

A curselike magic based disease with several psychological effects.

bubble_chart Causes
Environmental factors - What environmental factors affect how contractable or effective Caligulas infection is?

this is basically kuru from consuming things with magic

Lifestyle factors - What lifestyle factors affect how contractable or effective Caligulas infection is?

can be contracted in high magic environments

Epidemiology - How is Caligulas infection controlled or quarantined? How does it first occur?

they kinda just avoid the victim until they die

local_hospital Effects
Visual effects - How does Caligulas infection manifest visually?

pinpoint pupils, pale skin, frequent nosebleeds

Mental effects - How does Caligulas infection affect the mind?

Causes almost constant graphic and vivid hallucinations, makes the patient prone to bouts of intense unprompted rage, apathy, fear or aversion to light and color, autocannibalism

Symptoms - What are the symptoms of Caligulas infection?

This will cause internal matter to break down at random intervals over a random amount of time.

Duration - How long does Caligulas infection last?

no known cure. until death.

healing Treatment
bar_chart Analysis
date_range History
edit Notes

This condition was created by lio n jared on

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