info Overview
Name - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s full name?

Angel Elizabeth Daniels

Other names - What other aliases does Angel Elizabeth Daniels go by?


Gender - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s gender?




Age - How old is Angel Elizabeth Daniels?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Angel Elizabeth Daniels style their hair?

Long, flowy

Eye Color - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s eye color?

Icy blue

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Angel Elizabeth Daniels have?

Kind of pointy face

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Angel Elizabeth Daniels have?

Pursing her lips

Motivations - What motivates Angel Elizabeth Daniels most?

Will do anything to stay in the closet

Flaws - What flaws does Angel Elizabeth Daniels have?

Insecure, can be hot headed. She tends to try to bring people down to make herself feel better

Hobbies - What hobbies does Angel Elizabeth Daniels have?


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Angel Elizabeth Daniels practice?


Politics - What politics does Angel Elizabeth Daniels have?

Ehhh. She's not very educated so she's pretty conservative.

Favorite color - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s favorite food?

She would say salad, but falafel, really

Favorite possession - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s favorite possession?

A stuffed bear she's had since she was a baby, which definitely does not exist

Favorite animal - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Angel Elizabeth Daniels have?

Work? She doesn't do that. Her parents are rich, duh



date_range History
Birthday - When is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s birthday?

March 1

Education - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s level of education?

Some high school

Background - What is Angel Elizabeth Daniels’s background?

Angel's parents are pretty rich and very conservative, though not religious. They're also openly homophobic, which causes Angel some major turmoil. Contrasting with her cousin Mara's parents, who are very liberal and accepting, Angel's are demanding and totalitarian.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Mara's father and Angel's mother are siblings. They turned out pretty differently and that shows through their kids

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This character was created by Linn on

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