info Overview
Name - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s full name?

K.T. (Katy Lynx)

Role - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s role in your story?

Heroic Wannabe

Other names - What other aliases does K.T. (Katy Lynx) go by?

K.T. (self-proclaimed, she thought she should cover up her real name so she wouldn't invite the wrath and judgement of her fellow alien's for being a "hybrid". )

Green Bean (By Zira, it's meant to be degrading. but in exchange, K.T. calls her Tomato, referencing her red hair.

Q.T. (By her mother)

Gender - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s gender?


Age - How old is K.T. (Katy Lynx)?


face Looks
Weight - How much does K.T. (Katy Lynx) weigh?

126 LBS.

Height - How tall is K.T. (Katy Lynx)?


Hair Color - What color is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s hair?

Neon Green.

Hair Style - How does K.T. (Katy Lynx) style their hair?

Long Pigtails

Facial Hair - What facial hair does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?


Eye Color - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s race?

Alien, with a human-like appearance.

K.T. is basically a alien that views her experiences through "human" eyes, she was shown human culture from a young age and is highly attached to it, this makes it difficult for her to relate fully to her teammates, who are all fully alien. But it's hard to fully relate to humans as well since there are lot of them who appreciate her help, but are scared of her capabilities. Which is one of the reasons why she tries to be "perfect", so people won't think of her as a unstable ticking time bomb.

She doesn't know the language of her home planet, (being born on earth) only english, this causes issues when she goes back to her home planet for a mission.

Skin Tone

Light skin.

Body Type

Athletic and lean, she has a flat chest and a thin waist with prominent abs and lightly toned arms, she has small hips and long, graceful toned legs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?

Her practically floating green pigtails, people tend to notice that they tend to move when she's highly emotional, it seems to be near telepathic, it seems restricted to her hair and doesn't seem to have combat capabilities.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?

Eye darting when excited, teeth clenching and grinding when upset.

Motivations - What motivates K.T. (Katy Lynx) most?

The death of her father, it caused her to want to be a hero to protect others and make sure other young people never experience what she did.

Flaws - What flaws does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?

Naive, stubborn, childish, oversensitive, narrow-minded.

Prejudices - What prejudices does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?

She considers any person that does any remotely "bad' deed a "villain", so she can get carried away.

She has a particular vendetta against thieves, especially bank robbers.

Talents - What talents does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?

Gymnastics, Music Mixing.

Hobbies - What hobbies does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?

Making electronic music, reading manga and watching human TV.

Personality type - What personality type is K.T. (Katy Lynx)?


date_range History
Birthday - When is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s birthday?

December 21st, 2004.

Education - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s level of education?

High School (L-Lov)

Clubs: She is the founder of the Galaxy Brigade, so it's it's own club.

Grades: Not good (she forgets about her classes often and accidentally skips classes sometimes, Astra becomes her type evenually.)

Background - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s background?

K.T.'s parents were a human man and a alien mother who fell in love despite the uncommonality of interspecies marriage.

When she was a little girl, her father would leave to work as a firefighter. K.T.'s mother teached K.T. about his job whenever he was away. and K.T. was quickly impressed with firefighters, fascinated by how they were like "superheroes" saving the world.

when he grew up to be a preteen, she grew up idolizing her father, wanting to become strong like him.

But her father was killed as he tried to save people from a burning building, with rubble falling on top of him and crushing his ribs. K.T.'s mother survived and K.T. did as well, as he only went with K.T. and K.T. alone.

K.T. felt helpless at the moment, as her powers didn't activate at the time, and started to consider herself weak because she couldn't protect her father like he tried protected her.

She started training day and night without sleep to become strong like her father.

groups Social
Occupation - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s occupation?

High School Student, Part-Time Hero.

Favorite color - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s favorite food?

Pizza Flavored Potato Chips, Bananas, Candies (of all sorts!)

Favorite possession - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s favorite possession?

Her Laptop, she likes making "theme songs" and music on the thing, it was a gift from her late father on her 13th birthday.

Favorite animal - What is K.T. (Katy Lynx)’s favorite animal?

Farm animals, she's never been so close to a farm animal before, so it excites her to see cows and chickens.

Job - What job does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?

Part-Time Hero, meaning she's "hired" by the GCF.

She takes the title "Hero" very seriously, if someone doubts her, she rages.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does K.T. (Katy Lynx) have?

A Slime Monster named "Alberto", one day, Dye'a was in the science club when suddenly, one of her robots goes haywire and breaks a huge glass container containing a slime monster, after fighting it, the monster turned small and became K.T.'s new pet.

Alberto is named after a random civilian she became acquaintances with after she landed in Roswell, New Mexico (after the initial "UFO spotting")

favorite Sexuality
Sexual Orientation


Ideal Type

She loves men who are strong and dependable. A classic "hero" type.

She ends up falling for Astro and ends up secretly trying to change him to be her ideal man (since he doesn't fit what she thinks he should be),
although she hides her feelings the whole way through. As her and Astro start off disliking each other,(with him disliking her more, she finds her personality "annoying) she feels reluctant to act on her feelings right away.

She eventually learns that she shouldn't try to "fix" him just for herself, as "fixing" someone else usually goes terribly wrong.

keyboard_voice Music
Favorite Music

EDM, Vaporwave, Minimalist, any sort of "Alien" sounding music.

pan_tool Abilities

Super speed, super stamina,(sub-power) super reflexes (sub-power) super strength (sub-power, slightly above average)


SUPER REFLEXES: K.T.'s super speed applies to her reflexes as well, with her eyes being able to detect things a lot quicker, her brain working harder to practically sense opponent's movement, dodge and make plans on the fly, and her body generally becoming much more quick and graceful then when she's not using her speed.

SUPER STAMINA: She could do at the very least a hour of hard labor if she's well fed and determined enough. This (along with her speed), is what impressed the GCF, as she passed a strength test (doing a timed weight lifting contest with a super-strong heroine) simply by being determined to impress, even when the weights were too heavy for her.

PEAK HUMAN STRENGTH: K.T. is not supernaturally strong, but she is on par with a olympic class weightlifter despite her age. She is able to break small chains, cuffs, and ropes, bend metal (if only slightly), lift grown men and women, and break down doors (especially with her legs.)


LAW OF INERTIA: Once K.T. accelerates, it becomes difficult for her to come to a full stop, she has to slowly de-accelerate to pull a full stop. She can stop without de-accelerating, but that usually results in her body propelling itself. this also makes her unable to use her powers in tight spaces, and if the area has tight twists and turns, K.T. cannot turn corners tightly without de-accelerating.

"SPEED FORCE": K.T.'s powers are able to make it so that the friction that happens during running is less dangerous to her, But it doesn't really protect anyone else. K.T. cannot run through crowded spaces as her speed makes her a living bullet, if she runs into someone at a high speed, she will simply tear through them, this does not apply to inanimate objects.

ENERGY AND METABOLISM: Despite super stamina, her powers still strain on her energy levels, and she needs to eat more calories to be able to burn all that energy. she can get tired or hurt (muscle or joint pains) if she uses her powers too long, and her speed becomes unstable when she's tired or hungry, alternating between super fast and normal speeds.

G-FORCE: With G-force, it's not something that shows up often, but if K.T. were to hypothetically run "faster than light", the acceleration would cause her to basically knock herself out, the first time she tested this limit, the harsh wind took away her breath, turned her head so quickly her neck almost snapped, and caused her to completely blackout.

edit Notes
shopping_basket Inventory
block Fears

Blood (even the smallest drop can cause her to become stressed out, as she has a strict code on "no killing" when crime fighting, and blood, in any scenario, causes her to think of possible death.)

Fear of being "evil": K.T. fears being condemned or shamed for anything.
she often wants to feel as if she's always correct. when she makes a questionable decision or does a questionable action, she begins to lie, push blame onto "pure circumstances", and not take whole responsibility for her choices.

K.T. (Katy Lynx) appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked K.T. (Katy Lynx)

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked K.T. (Katy Lynx)

Character chevron_right Friends link linked K.T. (Katy Lynx)

This character was created by SingSongKeyV on

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