info Overview
Name - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s full name?

Kiru-miu Shi-o

Age - How old is Kiru-miu Shi-o?


Gender - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s gender?

Hermaphrodite (feminine representation)

Other names - What other aliases does Kiru-miu Shi-o go by?


Role - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s role in your story?

Barefoot Sage

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s eye color?

Purple, though they are subject to change based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to: age, weather conditions, nutrition, etc

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?


Hair Style - How does Kiru-miu Shi-o style their hair?

Kiru generally keeps her hair in a bob, mostly because it's easier to deal with for someone who is quite often busy dealing with interspecies politics.

Hair Color - What color is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s hair?

At first, it appears black, but under proper lighting, it has a cocoa brown coloring to it

Height - How tall is Kiru-miu Shi-o?

~149 cm

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

Kiru has a beauty mark above her navel, presenting as a brown patch of fuzz among the cocoa that covers her body

Body Type

Kiru is fairly lithe, with light muscle definition, albeit somewhat concealed by the coat her people have

Weight - How much does Kiru-miu Shi-o weigh?

Due to the natural evolution of her species, Kiru is fairly light, weighing in at only 84 lbs.
Note: this is only on her home planet. On the Eldari homeworld, she weighs slightly heavier due to their higher gravity

Skin Tone

visible in only a few places, Kiru has a very pale tone to her skin

Race - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s race?

Moritas/Morinas (Moritas is what they prefer to be called by others. Morinas is what they call themselves)

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

to be added


to be added

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

Due to the difficulty in learning the Eldari languages, she tends to mix up words fairly often.

Motivations - What motivates Kiru-miu Shi-o most?

to be added

Flaws - What flaws does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

to be added

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

to be added

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

to be added

Personality type - What personality type is Kiru-miu Shi-o?

to be added

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s favorite color?

to be added

Favorite animal - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s favorite animal?

to be added

Favorite weapon - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s favorite weapon?

to be added

Favorite possession - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s favorite possession?

to be added

Favorite food - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s favorite food?

to be added

Occupation - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s occupation?

to be added

Politics - What politics does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

to be added

Religion - What religion does Kiru-miu Shi-o practice?

to be added

Job - What job does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

Grand Ambassador to the Eddari Imperium

info History
Birthday - When is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s birthday?

to be added

Background - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s background?

to be added

Education - What is Kiru-miu Shi-o’s level of education?

to be added

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kiru-miu Shi-o have?

to be added

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Sleeping Habits

to be added


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