Name: trenton
Nicknames: Trent
Alignment: chaotic good
Race/Nationality: American, a bit Japanese
Gender: male
Age: 16
Height: 5'8
Weight: 135lbs
Personality:, rebellious, cares for everyone, wants everyone to be happy, Most people think he's a playboy on first glance, but once you get to know him you realize he's just extremely friendly and flirtatious. flirty(he has some limits.....), daredevil/risk taker, free spirit, doesn't like being told what to do and respond with snarky or sarcastic remark. Dosent do well under pressure. cares a ton though and does try to make everyone happy.
Likes: fruit, new friends, hanging out with his friends, being around people, chocolate even tho he's not allowed to eat it. Headphones, cooking.
Dislikes: jerks and people that tell him what to do. People that threaten or harm those he cares about. Burning his food, people being bossy ordering him around and telling him what to do. Uptight people who shove rules down his throat. upsetting dawn, killing people.
Habits: flirting with everyone he meets.
Hobbies: training, cooking
Fears:hurting his friends and people he cares about, loosing everyone he cares about. Not being able to defend them.