info Overview
Name - What is Brooklyn Young’s full name?

Brooklyn Young

Role - What is Brooklyn Young’s role in your story?

Eccentric Mentor

Other names - What other aliases does Brooklyn Young go by?

Dakota Beaumont, Diesel

Gender - What is Brooklyn Young’s gender?


Age - How old is Brooklyn Young?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Brooklyn Young?


Hair Color - What color is Brooklyn Young’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Brooklyn Young style their hair?

Long hair, curly

Eye Color - What is Brooklyn Young’s eye color?

Jade green

Race - What is Brooklyn Young’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

muscular, mesomorph

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Brooklyn Young have?

two beauty marks next to his right eye (your left)
Lotsa scarsssss

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Brooklyn Young have?

bites nail when nervous
bites lip when thinking
Mumbles things to himself constantly
Can calculate math in his head, but can't count on fingers
Always carries a notebook with him
Is constantly seen reading or writing
Hears voices
Feels needy or too dependent on loved ones/ friends
Can't let go of a deceased friend, pet, family member, etc.
Handwriting is slanted
Outfit repeater
Practices smiling/ talking in a mirror
Has to touch everything and anything
Always exhausted
Able to invent anything with limited supplies
Daydreams constantly
Extremely loyal to friends and/or family
Forgives easily
Hates routines
Night owl
Fails to clean his home
Never brushes hair
Believes in conspiracy theories
Prefers pens, not pencils
Can play guitar
Has Christmas tree up all year round
Always knows what phase the moon is in
Can give you the longitude and latitude of his current location
Addicted to caffeinated drinks
Names inanimate objects and becomes attached to them
Plays with mundane items (bottle caps, paper clips, bobby pins, etc.)
Believes he can fix anything with tape
Finds out people's peeves, and does them
Walks into stores and always buys something- even if it's something he doesn't want or need
Never ties his shoes
Doesn't like surprises
Refuses to celebrate his birthday
Walks around half-naked at home
Heavy sleeper
Fear of closed doors
Can spell any word
Human calculator
Can calculate the area and perimeter of any room or shape
Knows useless facts about insects, the human body, animals, landmarks
Believes in magic
Know it all
Laughs at things that aren't considered funny
Constantly injured, even if it's a paper cut
British Accent
Has a pet rock
When hot, sits in the fridge/freezer
Keeps password/passcodes on all electronic devices.
Keeps all containers and rooms locked up.
Gets flustered easily
Gets frustrated when people pronounce words incorrectly
Collects twigs, sticks, rocks
Has a home library of over 500 books
Able to pick locks
Hasn't communicated with his family in over 5 years
Tells everyone he has been abducted by aliens

Motivations - What motivates Brooklyn Young most?

His sister
His curiosity

groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by FlavorCrash on

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